★ 9 ★

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Seungmin woke up to the smell of pancakes. he rubbed his eyes and yawned, then laidl back down, not wanting to get up. Lee Know then walked in, noticing Seungmin was awake.

"morning baby"


"are you still tired?"

Seungmin nodded, not wanting to open his eyes again. "alright come on" Lee Know then carried Seungmin, the younger quickly wrapping his legs around the older's waist and hugging him tightly

"your such a baby~" Lee Know said. "I'm your baby..." Seungmin replied. Lee Know grinned and kissed the younger's cheek.


"did you sleep well?" Lee Know asked the younger, who was stuffing his face with pancakes. he nodded and soon finished his food. "done!"

Lee Know was busy admiring the younger, he didn't realize he even spoke


Lee Know shook his head back to reality. "y-yeah?"

"you okay?"

"yeah I just zoned out.."

"you sure you weren't just staring at me?"

"I- maybe that too..."

Seungmin giggled and kissed the older's nose. "love you too~"


⛔ breakup warning ⛔

Hyunjin sat on the couch. he then called I.N and put it on speaker.



"let me guess...you miss me?"

Hyunjin stayed silent as tears ran down his face.

"and you already know what I'm going to say right?"


"you'll be okay, I promise"


"for what?"

"bothering you.."

there was a moment of silence. then Hyunjin heard a strange voice

"Innie my love!!~ are you done talking with that boy??"

"no, I'm not. I'm sti-"

"who's that?"


"I'm his girlfriend~"

Hyunjin was about to burst into tears. "I-Innie...."

"don't believe her!! she's lying!! you know I only love you.."


"Hyunjin come on!! you have to have some faith here!"


"no im fucking not!! I fucking love you!! only you!..."

"save it...were done!!..." Hyunjin then hung up and slammed his phone on the other side of the couch and slammed his face into a pillow. he bursted into tears and clinged onto the pillow tightly.


"LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!!..." Jeongin yelled. "my bad bro, its not a big deal" his sister said. "IT IS!! HE BROKE UP WITH ME!!..." Jeongin was in tears by now. "just get back together with him then!"



"just....get the fuck out..."

his sister then left. he covered his face and sat down on a chair. he then started crying. he banged his head on the desk and cried even harder. eventually he ended up calming down and falling asleep.


"where's Hyunjin?" Felix asked.

"right...he should've been here already.." Chan added.

"let's call him!!" Changbin said, pulling out his phone and nearly dropping it. "calm down now-" Han said.

"sorry" he then called Hyunjin and put it on speaker. "what?..."

"hi Hyunjin!!" they all said in sync.


"why do you sound so upset?" Chan asked. they heard sniffles. "are you crying?.." Felix asked

"Jeongin c-cheated on me...."

the others were shocked, except for Lee Know and Seungmin. "WHAT-" Han yelled. "lies, he would never" Lee Know said.

"but there was someone there who claimed they were his girlfriend!!"

"that was his sister then. don't believe everything you hear and see, Hyunjin" Seungmin replied.

"no! he's a cheater!"

"your such a dumbass, holy shit!!" Lee Know yelled in frustration.

ring ring ring

Lee Know answered his phone and put it on speaker.

"hyung, can you come pick me up?..."

"why me?"

"cause....Jin was suppose to but we kind of....um...can you just come get me?"

Lee Know sighed and glared at the others, then grabbed Seungmin's arm. "I'm coming"

"thank you.."

Lee Know hung up and started walking away with Seungmin. "wait what about school?-"

"fuck school!" Lee Know yelled as he left.

Insecurities // 2min ✓Where stories live. Discover now