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Lee Know arrived at the house after 4 hours. it was already 9:00pm. he slowly raised his hand to knock on the door. he then froze for a moment, a bunch of questions taking over his mind

is this a good idea?
should he actually?
will he be able to get help?
how would he react to him being here?
maybe he'll get scolded?

well, here goes nothing...

Lee Know then knocked on the door about 3 times and waited. soon enough, Hyunjin opened the door, he looked tired. his hair was messy and he was in his pjs



"so your saying you need help with confessing your love to Seungmin?" Hyunjin replied, still slightly confused. "yes Hyun". "did you do anything to start it?" the younger asked, who was still in fact tired.

I mean who wouldn't be? just imagine one of your friends knocking at your door at 9:00pm! poor Hyunjin, boy probably thought he was gonna get kidnapped..

"well...I put this love letter in his locker earlier today." Lee Know said, fidgeting with his fingers. Hyunjin hummed. "well, maybe take him out to places. he's still stuck on the fact that you kissed him. he thinks you didn't actually mean it and th-"

"of course I meant it!! all my love was poured into that kiss...especially since it was his first!" the older quickly said.

"-at he thinks your just faking everything" Hyunjin continued the rest of the sentence Lee Know rudely interrupted. "faking what?.." Lee Know asked, starting to get worried he may have hurt the boy he loves with his life. "he thinks the kiss was fake and just all your feelings towards him is all fake" Hyunjin said, noticing the worriedness on the other's face. "he's stubborn...one day he'll be able to face reality. until then-". "there is no until then. he's gonna have to face reality by next week" Lee Know interrupted Hyunjin, once again.

"quit interrupting me!!" the younger whined, making Lee Know slightly giggle. "okay okay I'm sorry" the older quickly replied. "wait but what do you mean he has to face reality by next week??"

"that's when I'm going to confess" Lee Know slightly whispered. "HOLY SHIT REALLY??" Hyunjin yelled as he jumped up from the couch from all the excitement that was building up inside him. "alright Hyun, calm down-" Lee Know slightly chuckled.


it was another boring and horrible morning for Seungmin as he walked down the hallways. he went to his locker and opened it. he then saw a letter

for my beautiful angel <333

dear darling, you obviously don't know who I am, but you soon will. I will meet you in the place you always loved going to, you called it 'petal fairyland' (i came up with a random name)

holy shit your so adorable. anyway, meet me there next week on Tuesday after school.

from, your soon to be boyfriend <333

Seungmin felt his heart explode and felt so many butterflies fly around in his stomach. he needed to know who this 'soon to be boyfriend' person was. he was glad it was Friday. just a few more days he mumbled to himself.


"FUCK FUCK FUCK!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEARR!!" Seungmin yelled out.

"Seung, calm down- your stressing yourself out" Chan said from the other side of the phone.

Seungmin sighed and turned on his camera. he set it up, standing it against a pencil holder. "Chan help me!!" the younger whined.

"alright alright. I have to see the outfits first. also! don't cover yourself to much please.." Chan pleaded

Seungmin stared for a little while before saying "fine" he showed Chan a few outfits before he was able to pick the perfect one.

he had picked out a white crop top with crystals hanging from the sides of it. the pants were some white pants and there were also crystals hanging from the sides of them. he wore these black high boots with a black jacket. he zipped the jacket up slightly, only so that it was covering the skin that was showing.

"holy shit....Kim Seungmin...."

Seungmin got nervous, waiting for Chan to finish his sentence.

"YOU LOOK FUCKING FABULOUS!!" Chan yelled, probably the whole neighborhood heard that but to Chan, it was definitely worth it.

Seungmin let out a sigh of relief and then a slight giggle right after.

"thank you Channie-hyung"

"of course, now go get yourself that boyfriend!!!"

Seungmin laughed as he hung up. little did he know...everybody knew who it was....

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