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when Hyunjin woke up the next morning, he found Lee Know sleeping on the other side of the couch, curled up. he was also hugging a pillow

Hyunjin tried getting up, but couldn't. he slightly whined and laid back down, covering his face


he got no response. Hyunjin was confused and felt ignored. he felt tears burn in his eyes


"can you hurry up!? Hyunjin's probably awake and needs me!"

Jeongin was forced to go to the supermarket with Chan and Changbin, but they didn't know about Hyunjin. well, only the pain part. Jeongin then pulled out his phone and texted Seungmin

seung!! <33

makane.innie is Hyunjin okay?

seung. bro honestly I forgot he was here. lemme check on him rn

makane.innie bro rlly....

seung. I'm sorry bro.

Jeongin waited for a response, but wasn't expecting this one

seung!! <33

seung. isn't he scared of thunderstorms?...

makane.innie he is. why?

seung. Jeongin...its fucking thundering outside, plus he was crying for you too begin with.

makane.innie I'm fucking sorry okay!? I'm stressing right now and I want to go home, but I fucking cant!!

seung. its fine just stay calm. I will try to calm him down. if I can do it with Lee Know, I can do it with him..

makane.innie call me if anything..

Seungmin placed his phone down and sat on the couch, next to Hyunjin

"Hyun...come here."

Hyunjin slowly looked up at Seungmin, not knowing what to do. all he had in mind was Jeongin. he stared at Seungmin and then shook his head, "I w-want Innie!!..."

"but I'm close! I'm practically his brother!" Seungmin snorted at the sentence, but was surprised when Hyunjin slowly and gently crawled onto his lap. he then got that random sharp pain again, "o-owie!!..."


Hyunjin nodded, hesitating for a moment, but he cuddled up against Seungmin's chest and somehow felt the same comfort Jeongin gave him

"mm...your just like Innie.."

"wait really?-"


the thundering got louder, making Hyunjin more scared. he started crying even more and was now shaking. Seungmin didn't know what to do besides rub his back. he wasnt Lee Know so...he didnt know anything anymore.

Lee Know then woke up due to the thundering outside. he rubbed his eyes and looked over to what was happening

he just blinked and then stared with anger. Seungmin noticed, but stayed silent

"what are you doing?.." Lee Know asked

"baby, he's scared of the thunder outside.."

"but he can comfort himself?"

"you know he can't, he's-"

"I don't care!! that's not fair!" Lee Know then got up with the little strength he had and went upstairs, he struggled, but he did it!! round of applause everyone.

Seungmin sighed and threw his head back, not knowing what to do anymore. he just wanted Jeongin to come and solve all this, because it caused more problems that Seungmin needed to solve himself.


a few hours later, Hyunjin had fell asleep, but when Seungmin tried placing him on the couch, he would whine and cling onto him

but that didn't last long because Jeongin finally arrived home and Seungmin let out a sigh of relief. Jeongin gently took Hyunjin and brung him upstairs. Seungmin also went upstairs to go to Lee Know, who was upset.

Seungmin stood outside of the bedroom door. he knocked and waited for a few seconds, before Lee Know opened it. it was very clear he was crying, probably cause of jealousy but you know. and it was also clear he was forcing his strength just to stand

"baby, aren't you still sore?.."

"don't baby me!!" Lee Know yelled, crying even more

Seungmin sighed and grabbed the older by the waist, kissing him after

"just fucking believe me for once!!.." he said, cupping the older's face

Lee Know hugged Seungmin tightly, as if he was never going to see him again

"I'm s-sorry!!..."

"your fine...you just got jealous...~" the younger was trying to lighten the mood by teasing him

the older got frustrated and gently punched him, pouting after

"I don't get jealous!!.." he crossed his arms and looked away

"you do~" Seungmin teased, now carrying Lee Know and bringing him to the bed. he gently placed him down and laid on top of him, cupping his face again

"wah your so cuteee!!" he pinched the older's cheeks, smiling after

Lee Know felt his face burn up from embarrassment and he covered his face

"noooo-" Seungmin uncovered his face and kissed him
Lee Know kissed back, wrapping his legs around the younger's waist

they ended the kiss and smiled at each other

Seungmin kissed the other's forehead, "I love you, darling~"

"I love you more, love.."

Insecurities // 2min ✓Where stories live. Discover now