★ 53 ★

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"Min? you okay?" Seungmin asked, waving his hand in the older boy's face. Lee Know laid his head on Seungmin's shoulder, "my head hurts..."

the younger pouted and brung the older onto his lap. the older quickly snuggled up against him and just listened to what the others were talking about

he eventually fell asleep, but the others never noticed

"BRO YOUR FUCKING KIDDING M- omg Lee Know hyung fell asleep! HE LOOKS SO CUTEEE-" Han cooed

"but you've seen him sleep before?" Chan questioned

"yes but he looks extra cute right now! look at him!"

Seungmin grinned and kissed Lee Know's forehead

"AWHHHH-" Felix said

Han pouted and sat on Chan's lap, looking up at him. Chan looked back, "hm? whats wrong?"


Chan jokingly scoffed and kissed the younger


"that's crazy that you have to ask. I just do it" Seungmin said

"nah bro cause same." Hyunjin said after

"well he doesn't need to ask." Chan said

Han just sat there, not knowing what to say or do. Chan noticed and placed a kiss onto his neck, "don't worry, baby. your okay" he whispered. Han slowly nodded


when Lee Know got home, he went straight to the bed and threw himself onto it. he then fell asleep again. Seungmin on the other hand, he had to go over to Chan's place to help him with something. he said he'll be back in like 3 hours

whats the worst that can happen?


many things.


5 hours had already passed and Seungmin still isn't home. he said 3 hours?..

Lee Know grabbed his phone and called him. he was shaky and randomly started feeling overwhelmed. he just wanted to feel Seungmin's warmth

the younger boy picked up the phone

"Min? you okay?"

"S-Seung....n-need you.."

"shit, I'm coming right now, okay? I got you dont worry."


Seungmin hung up as he arrived at the house. he quickly made his way upstairs and into the bedroom. Lee Know quickly got off the bed and threw himself into Seungmin's arms

"I'm sorry my love. I said 3 hours but it took longer and I forgot to tell you!!.."

"mm...it's o-okay..."

Seungmin cupped the older's face, "are you feeling okay now? does your head still hurt?.."

"a little bit.."

the younger kissed the older's forehead and then kissed him. the older hugged Seungmin tightly, wrapping his legs around his waist. the younger carried him over to the bed and gently set him down


"don't worry I'm not going anywhere." Seungmin quickly got onto the bed after taking off his shoes and he cuddled the older

Lee Know once again, fell asleep. Seungmin cooed at the older and kissed him on the lips, smiling after

'fuck I seriously do love you Lee Minho.'

Insecurities // 2min ✓Where stories live. Discover now