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Han came running down the stairs and nearly fell, but luckily Chan caught him, "babe be careful."

"my bad- I forgot the last step was there-"

Chan gave him a 'are you serious' face. Han giggled and peaked the older's lips before running away into the living room

Chan sighed and smiled to himself

"oh how I love you..."


Seungmin woke up to Lee Know clinged onto him, still asleep. he couldn't see his face cause he had it in Seungmin's chest. the younger smiled and kissed his head

he was then about to get up, but then realized......


"shit...well here goes nothing.."

Seungmin gently held Lee Know's waist and placed him down on the bed. he was about to grab the blanket to tuck him in, but then the older grabbed onto his arm. Seungmin turned around, "what's wrong?"


his voice wasn't raspy and deep like how it usually is in the morning. it had more of a shaky tone to it. Seungmin immediately noticed and got worried

"you sound sick, are you okay?.."

Lee Know pulled the younger closer and sat up. he hugged the his waist and sniffled. Seungmin placed his hand onto the older's forehead

"love, your burning up."

Lee Know didn't say anything. instead he looked up at the younger. his nose and eyes were red.

"my poor baby.." Seungmin cooed

"I'm n-not a baby!!..."

"your my baby though~"

Lee Know then turned his head to the side. he covered his mouth with his arm and sneezed

"bless you~"

"t-thank you..."

"let's get you medicine"

Lee Know hugged Seungmin and wrapped his legs around his waist. the younger kissed his neck and carried him out the room


"Chan!! where'd you put the medicine!?"

"it's Chan-hyung."

"Chan-hyung my ass, where's the medicine?"

Chan sighed and went over to the cabinet. he opened it and took out the medicine, handing it to Seungmin

"thank you hyung" he took it and walked into the living room

Chan stood there, in shook




"open your mouth!!"



"cuddles then."


Seungmin sat on the couch. "come here"

Lee Know quickly sat on his lap and cuddled up against him

"k now open your mouth"


Seungmin sighed and thought of something, "fucking old school shit." he drank some of the medicine when the older wasn't looking and then kissed him. the older kissed back, not realizing what Seungmin was doing. Seungmin ended the kiss and grinned

"what was that for?"

"am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?"

"w-well...you could...."

Seungmin started laughing, making Lee Know confused. "why are you laughing?.." Seungmin placed his hands onto the other's waist, "did you even taste the medicine?"

Lee Know looked at him with big eyes, "what medicine?..."

"I made you drink medicine when I kissed you"

"you did?..."

"yes Min."

Lee Know looked down at the floor, not knowing what to do or say. he then looked up at the younger

"can I have another?.."

"what? another kiss?"


Seungmin gently cupped Lee Know's face and kissed him. Lee Know kissed back, adjusting himself so his body was now facing Seungmin's

Seungmin wanted to tease the other and slipped his tongue into his mouth, earning a small whine from him

they eventually ended the kiss. the older yawned and hugged Seungmin. he laid his head sideways against his chest and covered his face with his hand. he eventually fell asleep. Seungmin noticed and smiled

"fuck, I love you."

Insecurities // 2min ✓Where stories live. Discover now