★ 52 ★

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it was now school again. hopefully nothing goes wrong this time

Seungmin was clinged onto Lee Know's arm, clearly scared. the older understood why though, so he promised the younger that he would always be with him throughout the day

when it was lunch, Lee Know had come downstairs, without Seungmin, because he had class with most of the others so they told Lee Know they would watch him. but when Lee Know went over to their table, the younger wasn't there

"where's Seungmin?..."

"what do you mean he's right he- WHERE THE FUCK DID HE GO!?-" Hyunjin started looking everywhere, as if he was lost

"don't fucking tell me you guys lost him..."

"calm down. just check the bathroom." Chan said

Lee Know groaned and threw his bag onto the floor near the table and then went back upstairs

"y'all made him mad-" Han said, continuing to eat



Lee Know checked the bathroom, but he wasn't there. he then checked almost every single classroom but couldn't find the younger. he started to panic and leaned against the hallway wall. he covered his face, trying not to cry

'fuck Seung...where are you...'

he then remembered one spot he didn't check. the abandoned staircase. it was abandoned, but nobody had ever tried to cover it up so some students usually go there to chill. Lee Know quickly went over and finally found the younger

"Seung!!" the older quickly hugged Seungmin tightly, crying into his shoulder

"Min?...why are you crying?.."

"I t-thought I lost y-you!!..."

Seungmin cooed at the older's worriedness and kissed his forehead, "it's okay. I'm here now, my love."

"next t-time atleast t-tell s-someone..."

"I will I will, don't worry."

Seungmin kissed the older's forehead once again, "I'm sorry for scaring you, baby"

Lee Know didn't reply and hugged the younger tightly, stuffing his face into his chest. Seungmin slightly giggled, knowing Lee Know had forgave him


"oh you found him?" Hyunjin asked

"here, we saved some food for you" Jeongin said, gently pushing the food towards them once the two had sat down

Seungmin looked at it and shook his head, "not hungry."

Lee Know wasn't going to want it either, because he was hugging the younger's arm, with his head against it

Jeongin took it back and gave it to Han and Changbin, who happily ate it

"is Lee Know hyung okay?" Jeongin asked, reaching over and gently moving the older's hair out his face

"he's fine. he was just scared cause he couldn't find me"

"ah, okay"

Hyunjin then randomly grabbed Jeongin and kissed him, starting a make out session with him

"ewh....EWH EWH EWH!! get a room!-" Felix said, turning away

Chan giggled and took out his phone, starting to record the two. Seungmin slightly chuckled and shook his head

Insecurities // 2min ✓Where stories live. Discover now