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"Min what's wrong?" Seungmin asked looking up at the older.

Lee Know shook his head and kissed the younger's forehead, "nothing baby don't worry..."

"you sure? you look scared..."

"yes..im fine"


Seungmin gave him a smile, which Lee Know couldn't help but smile back

"heyyy lovebirds~"

Seungmin turned around, still having his arms around Lee Know's neck. he saw the others standing there. "how long were you guys there for?-"

"uh...about 15 minutes" Han said, faking an attitude

Chan then hit Han playfully. "he's lying. we just got here" Seungmin let out a sigh of relief and turned back to Lee Know, who looked upset, confused and scared. which Seungmin was the only one who seemed to notice "babyyyy~" Seungmin whined.


"are you sure your okay?"


Seungmin was shocked as he saw Lee Know tearing up. "Min why are you crying!?"

"holy shit he's crying?" Hyunjin asked, who had a Jeongin attached to his arm.

Lee Know hugged Seungmin tightly and buried his face into his chest. "I d-dont want her b-back!!..." he yelled, choking on a sob right after.

the others looked at him in confusion but worriedness aswell. "baby who are you talking about?..."

Chan then realized, "you mean Arrianna??" Lee Know slowly nodded. "wait....YOU SAW HER!?"

"yes god fucking dammit!! she blew me a kiss and winked!!!..." Lee Know yelled, letting out loud sobs after. "who's this Arrianna bitch?.." Seungmin asked, sounding mad. "oh shit y'all he's mad-" Han said, backing up a bit.

"it's his ex....well.."

"abusive ex" Hyunjin added.

Seungmin pulled Lee Know away and was about to walk over to her, when he was stopped by Lee Know "let me fight her!!" Seungmin yelled.

"you can't hit a girl" Changbin said. Hyunjin bursted out laughing, sounding like one of those maniac laughs. "bitch i hit one yesterday. matter of fact i knocked them out. she was a grown women too-"

Changbin made an "oh" shape with his mouth as he looked back at Seungmin and Lee Know. Lee Know had his face buried into the younger's chest again as Seungmin hugged him. "baby I can do something about it! come o-" he was interrupted with the girls coming up to them.

one of them had really long brown hair, she was glaring Lee Know. yeah you guessed it, it was bitchy Arrianna!! hey that has a ring to it!

Chan went over to Lee Know and hugged him, bringing him back to where the others were, leaving Seungmin alone to stand in front of the girls.

"what the fuck do you want?" Seungmin asked. "okay pretty boy chill~" Arrianna said, sliding her hand down his chest. Seungmin felt chills down his spine as he took her hand and aggressively pushed it away.

Lee Know got mad and went over to Seungmin, he grabbed the younger by the collar and kissed him. Seungmin quickly caught up to what the older was trying to do so he kissed back.

they left the others in shook, but Arrianna was furious. Seungmin and Lee Know were deadass making out in front of other people.

"GOD DAMN, THEY EATING EACH OTHER UP-" Han and Hyunjin said in sync. they both laughed and gave each other a high five.

they eventually ended the kiss and they both looked at each other with a smirk. "your so pretty holy shit" Lee Know said. "I know I am" Seungmin replied, giggling right after.

"oh so you do actually think so?"

"you made me realize.."

"AGHH!!" Arrianna then walked away in frustration, the other musty girls following.

Han and Hyunjin bursted out laughing, "WHAT WAS THAT-" Hyunjin said, dying of laughter. "AGgGh!!" Han immitated. "STAWPPP" Hyunjin held onto one of the lockers to prevent himself from falling. Chan shook his head in disappointment. "I swear you two are such goofballs" Felix started giggling. Chan noticed Jeongin was falling asleep so he took him into his arms while Hyunjin kept laughing.

Insecurities // 2min ✓Where stories live. Discover now