★ 41 ★

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"you gay fucking hoes, breakfast is ready!!" Chan yelled for the others as he walked back into the kitchen to start serving them

"what is it?.." Seungmin asked as he walked in, rubbing his eyes

"mm, eggs, bacon and bread if you want. I'm not cooking a whole lot cause I'll burn the place down probably-"

"makes sense...I'll probably skip today, I'm not hungry."

"you sure?.."

Seungmin nodded, giving Chan a small smile of assurance before he headed into the living room


Lee Know was sitting on the couch, using his phone. he also chose to skip breakfast though...

Seungmin sat on his lap and laid against his chest, hugging him tightly

"morning darling~" Lee Know kissed the younger's head and smiled down at him

"no morning...I'm still tired.."

Seungmin covered his face with his hand and tried to sleep again

"that's fine, you can sleep again."

Seungmin didnt think twice and slowly fell asleep after Lee Know had said that. the older slightly chuckled at his boyfriend's actions

"I got so lucky to have you.."


"how the fuck are you guys still not wanting to eat!?" Chan scolded Lee Know and Seungmin

"because were not hungry??"

"you guys haven't eaten since fucking 8pm yesterday and its currently near 6pm!!"


Lee Know then realized something

"Seung?..you okay?"


"you sure? your never this tired.."

"probably from all the crying...I'm okay..."

Chan thought for a moment, "you don't feel light headed or anything?"

"mm...a little bit..."

"k hold on I got you."

Chan then went into the kitchen to go get something for Seungmin. in the meantime, Lee Know started playing with Seungmin's hair as Seungmin started fidgeting with his bracelets

Chan then came back with some medicine

"here drink this so nothing happens to you."

Chan fed Seungmin a spoon full, but Seungmin didn't like the taste of it. he made a disgusted face and then hid into Lee Knows chest


Chan started laughing as he went back into the kitchen

Lee Know ran his fingers through Seungmin's hair, feeling the younger settle down again

"that was icky!!..."

the older chuckled, kissing the younger's head

"don't worry, atleast it'll make you feel better."

well, maybe.

Insecurities // 2min ✓Where stories live. Discover now