★ 23 ★

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time skip to when Jeongin is all better :)

Lee Know went into Hyunjin and Jeongin's room. he saw Hyunjin still in bed, wearing Jeongin's hoodie. he was hugging a pillow, how cute 🥹

Lee Know went over to the bed and gently shook Hyunjin awake. "Hyun, wake up"

the younger groaned and pulled up the hood, hiding his face into the pillow after

"come on!! it's a surprise"


"mmhh...I don't wanna!!..."

the older rolled his eyes and yanked the pillow from Hyunjin, making him whine

"you have to get up"

"as long as you get me Innie!!...."





"but you have to stay home."

Hyunjin flopped back into bed and covered his face with the paws of the sweater. "can I stay in bed then?..."

"I told you to get up though, but fine

Lee Know would be lying if he said he didn't feel bad for Hyunjin's condition. the younger would barley go downstairs. the only time he would go was if he was forced to by Chan or Han...mostly Chan. since he barley went downstairs, that means he barley eats anymore. and based off of how he looks, he doesnt get much sleep either

"call me if anything, prince"

Hyunjin slightly smiled at the nickname. for the past few days, Lee Know's been giving everybody nicknames, in a planotic way of course, he belongs to Seungmin and Seungmin only.


Chan, Lee Know, Seungmin and Felix went to go get Jeongin from the hospital

ring ring ring

"it's Hyunjin" Lee Know quickly picked up the phone and put it on speaker


"Hyunjin? what's wrong?"

"I...um...d-did it...a-again..."

Chan was so shocked, he stopped the whole car just to turn around and face the direction of the phone. all of them were shocked actually

"how many times?..."

"dunno...lost count.."

"where the fuck did the other two go!?"

"t-they went to get me f-food...I'm sorry!... I couldn't control m-myself....."

Lee Know himself was on the verge of tears, knowing he shouldn't have let Hyunjin stay in bed, knowing he could've prevented this

"just...clean yourself up, don't panic, nobody's mad, alright?"


"your gonna love the surprise we have for you"

Chan continued driving, soon arriving at the hospital. "alright Hyun, we gotta go. don't tell the other two about what you did. I don't want them panicking"

"okay hyung..."

Hyunjin hung up and Lee Know sighed. "he's never done it...last time he did was....14 years ago?..."

"he's been clean ever since!!"

"it's fine...he won't be like this anymore"

Chan got out of the car and went into the hospital.


Seungmin saw Jeongin and Chan coming towards the car. tears ran down his face as he got out the car and ran towards Jeongin. he jumped into his arms, letting out a loud sob.

"your n-not dead!!..."

"of course I'm not...although I wish I was...."

Seungmin wiped his tears and pulled away. "k come on!!" Seungmin giggled and ran back to the car. "now that is what I call a mood swing" Chan said, getting into the car after. Jeongin got in the car and was greeted with Lee Know ruffling his hair, "thank you for not dying, you dumbass"

Jeongin giggled, "your welcome I guess...your not welcome..."


they all arrived home, to pure silence. "I'm guessing they are all sleeping" Chan said, placing the keys onto the coffee table. Han came running downstairs and into Chan's arms, kissing him after. "hi to you too lovey~"

Jeongin quickly went upstairs and knocked on the bedroom door

"come in!" Hyunjin yelled

Jeongin slowly entered the room, watching Hyunjin's eyes widen and tears quickly filling them.



"your not dead...YOUR NOT DEAD!!"

Hyunjin got off the bed and threw himself onto the younger, letting out loud sobs. Jeongin quickly hugged back, crying himself. "fuck, I'm sorry!..." the younger apologized, running his fingers through the older's hair

they both made eye contact, before smashing their lips against each other's. they made their way to the bed, ending the kiss after. "shit I missed you so much.."

Hyunjin didnt say anything and just cuddled up into the younger's neck. "your wearing my hoodie?.." Hyunjin nodded, wiping his tears with the sleeve. "you look cute in it~"

Hyunjin slightly giggled and then remembered what he did

⛔ blood/cut warning ⛔


"yes love?"

"c-can I show you s-something?..."


"promise you wont get mad..."


Hyunjin slowly rolled up the sleeve and revealed a bunch of bloody deep cuts. Jeongin's eyes widened, "b-baby...."

⛔ end of the blood/cut warning ⛔

"I-I'm sorry!!..." Hyunjin covered his face, but Jeongin stopped him and made eye contact with him. "I'm not upset...I'm proud you lasted this long without hurting yourself again..."

Hyunjin let out a loud sob before hugging the younger tightly, "t-thank you for l-loving me..."

"anything for you, bubba..."


"all better!" Chan said, rolling down Hyunjin's sleeve and giving him a smile. Hyunjin smiled back and got off the counter, hugging the older after. "I don't know what I'd be like if I never met you guys..."



Hyunjin was laying in Jeongin's arms. he eventually fell asleep, since he didn't get to last night. Jeongin looked down at the older and sighed

"I'm sorry...I really fucking am. I am such a dumbass for causing all that type of pain to you...you don't deserve me. one day you'll wake up and I'll be gone for good. for your own good...."

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