You Deserve Kindness

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Ahsoka Tano trembled slightly as she saw her fallen former master in front of her. Darth Vader resembled her master heavily. He had his same dark blonde curly hair that was the same length as it was the last time she had seen him. When he had left to go save the Chancellor with Obi-Wan Kenobi, and when she had left to capture Maul. Things seemed like they were going to work out then. It was tragic how they hadn't.

Anakin still had the scar across his right eye. One thing that wasn't similar though, was the way that he carried himself. Vader was a shell of who Anakin Skywalker was. He constantly looked like he had just had a mental breakdown. Maybe he always was having one on the inside.

Another thing that set Vader apart from Anakin Skywalker, was the fact that Vader's eyes were golden instead of Anakin's azure eyes. Ahsoka could swear that she saw traces of blue in his eyes even now though. Maybe he wasn't completely lost.

"Anakin," Ahsoka breathing hitched. Vader's eyes narrowed, but she knew he wasn't angry at her, but rather angry with himself.

"Anakin Skywalker is dead," he said rather unconvincingly. Ahsoka tilted her head. "Is that so?" Ahsoka questioned him as she gave Vader an expression that mirrored the one that had gotten her labeled Snips from Anakin so many years ago.

Vader nodded smugly at her. "I did," he told her. "Then why do you wear his face?" Ahsoka asked Vader.

"We're twins," Vader quipped. Ahsoka nearly smiled. This was definitely Anakin before her, at least partially. "What an Anakin thing to say."

Vader sighed as he distinguished his blood red lightsaber that he had almost just killed Ezra Bridger with. "I do not wish to harm you, Ahsoka. I will be allowed not to hurt you if you can tell me where the remaining Jedi can be found."

"There are no Jedi left. You and your Inquisitors have seen to that," Ahsoka replied to him as her expression hardened slightly.

Vader smiled at her, a very twisted smile. That wasn't Anakin's smile. Not at all. "We both know that isn't true, Ahsoka."

"Anakin," Ahsoka began. "I know that there is still good in you. The Emperor hasn't driven it from you fully. I can sense it."

Vader started to tremble ever so slightly. "You do not know what you speak of. There is no coming back from the Dark Side. I do wish there was, but wishing it doesn't make it come true. Trust me, I've tried."

Ahsoka gave him a look as she walked slightly closer to him. "I've witnessed you win battles just because you wished that you could- because you needed to, because everyone's survival depended on it. You can do anything. You're Anakin Skywalker, you're a hero," my hero. "You can overcome the Dark Side's hold on you. You're the strongest person I've ever met," she said encouragingly.

Vader's eyes were filled with turmoil and conflict. He wanted to go with Ahsoka wherever she was going and never think twice about it. Maybe not even once. He also knew the wrath of Darth Sidious if he shall fail to kill all of the Jedi on Malachor.

All of the Inquisitors that had been sent here had been killed. Vader didn't want to fail the Emperor like they had. He already had done so countless times, and he knew very well what failure was met with: pure torture.

"Anakin, I know that the Jedi failed you. They failed me too... I can help you, so please let me," Ahsoka pleaded.

He was heavily conflicted. Out of inner conflict, Vader activated his lightsaber and began to viciously swing it at Ahsoka.

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