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The happiness had soon ended. Anakin had taken the bottom bunk, and Ahsoka was on the top bunk. Anakin was sleeping as Ahsoka meditated on the floor. Her calm tranquility was soon crushed by the nightmare Anakin was having.


"Are you telling me that you allowed that traitorous Obi-Wan Kenobi to escape your clutches?" Sidious sneered at his Sith apprentice who was kneeling before him.

"Y- Yes, my Master, I did," Vader told him nervously. "I'm sorry."

Vader knew that apologizing never got him anywhere with Sidious, but he always still did try to apologize anyways.

Sidious smiled wickedly from his throne. Vader squeezed his eyes shut as his master closed the space between them and ran his hand across Vader's shoulders. Vader tensed up under the contact.

"My dear boy, I know that you are," Sidious said, pretending to be kind. "That does not excuse your actions though, I'm afraid."

Vader sensed that Sidious was in front of him now, and opened his eyes to look at him. He knew what his master was about to do to him. He was going to torture him— make him suffer for the weakness he had for Obi-Wan.

"Please don't hurt me," Vader pleaded to Sidious, but he knew very well that Sidious would hurt him now no matter what. He wanted Obi-Wan— someone to save him from this life he had that was filled with constant suffering.

"We're far past pain, Lord Vader. Pain was what you felt when your mother died, when your filthy Padawan left you and the Jedi Order, when your traitorous wife was killed by your own hand." He paused. "Now you shall suffer for eternity."

Vader screamed out in agony as Sidious struck him with his Force lightning. He had been electrocuted by his master more times than he could remember in the last ten years, though it seemed every time it hurt more and more.

"Please stop!" Vader cried out as he could no longer hold his kneeling position. He fell to the floor. "Please, Master!"

"You might as well be on the side of the Jedi, Vader," Sidious told him darkly. "You let Kenobi get away. I know very well that you both still care for each other. This is a weakness and a bond that you must eliminate, Lord Vader. I thought you already had."

Sidious stopped electrocuting Vader and went back to sit on his glorious throne.

"I can't, I'm sorry," Vader said as tears finally fell from his eyes. He felt pain throughout his whole body. Everything hurt so much. "I've tried to, but I can't."

Sidious sighed before he called for his guards. "Guards lock him up! Throw him in the loneliest and darkest cell that there is. Torture him whenever and however you see fit and bring him back to me when he has learnt his lesson," he told them.

Vader's eyes widened. "Master! Please don't! I'll be good! I- I promise!" Vader begged as the guards began to drag him away.

Sidious laughed to himself. "Such promises," he said. "Get this weakling out of my sight."

End of flashback/nightmare

Anakin woke up with a scream. Ahsoka blinked her eyes rapidly after seeing such a horrible scene. She hurried over to Anakin's bedside and stroked her hand across his forehead.

Anakin was hyperventilating. It was hard for him to breathe or think. He wasn't sure where he was, he didn't even notice that Ahsoka was there.

"Anakin, breathe," Ahsoka instructed him gently. "Breathe."

Anakin came back to reality slightly enough to stop hyperventilating and noticed Ahsoka.

"A- Ahsoka..?" Anakin whispered. She smiled. "Yes, I'm here." Ahsoka grabbed hold of his flesh hand. "Anakin, you're not there anymore, you're safe," she told him.

"Ahsoka— I don't-"

"Anakin, it's okay," Ahsoka whispered softly. "You're safe and away from him now."

Ahsoka sat down on Anakin's bed. Anakin sat up to hug Ahsoka. He needed comfort. He wasn't going to bother to put his guard up at all.

Anakin sobbed into her shoulder as she tried her very best to soothe him. "I'm sorry you had to go through that," Ahsoka told him softly. "I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve any of that."

Anakin held onto her like his life depended on it. He was trying to banish Sidious to the back of his mind, but he was getting nowhere with that. Sidious was like a disease with no cure.

"Whatever you go through now, we go through together, alright?" Ahsoka told him comfortingly. "You're not alone anymore."

Anakin heaved out a sigh. "Thank you, Ahsoka."

They were interrupted when Ezra came awkwardly running into the room. Ahsoka slowly let go of Anakin.

"Guys! Guys!"

Anakin rubbed his tears away with the sleeve of his robe. Ahsoka rolled her eyes at Ezra. "What is it, Ezra?"

He stilled when he realized that Anakin had been crying. "Are you... okay?" Ezra asked, slightly hesitant with his words. Anakin managed to give him a barely visible smile. "I am, thank you."

"What is it, Ezra?" Ahsoka repeated.

"Uhh... Hera told me to tell you both that we're about to come out of hyperspace. You'll both need to be ready to go once we do," Ezra informed.

Ahsoka smiled at him. "Thank you for letting us know, Ezra."

Ezra smiled back. "Mhm!" Ezra replied before leaving.

Ahsoka turned to face Anakin. "I... I know this might not be the best time to ask you this, but what did those guards do to you in that cell?"

Anakin froze. "I— I..."

More and more tears threatened to fall. He let them. There was no point in trying to act tough now. Ahsoka had already seen him at his worst on multiple occasions.

"They kept me in there for a month. They... hurt me in the worst ways imaginable. I- I begged for someone, anyone to save me. Eventually, I got sick of the pain and ended up killing them," Anakin whispered hoarsely. "That's w- when Sidious knew I was ready to be let out."

Ahsoka blinked her own tears away. "Anakin... I'm so sorry," she muttered, her words barely audible.

"Shh, you don't have to be sorry," Anakin whispered comfortingly and softly to her, probably picking up on her sorrow.

Ahsoka sighed. "You've been through so much, yet you're still able to comfort me," she slightly smiled at him. "Your compassion... it blows my mind, Anakin."

Anakin smiled at her through his tears. He would heal. It would take time, but he would heal.

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