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Warning: There are some dark themes in this chapter. There are some mentions of having suicidal thoughts, deep depression, etc. Nothing too much though because I can't handle it. Anyways, enjoy!

Anakin, Ahsoka, Ezra, Kanan, Hera, Sabine, and Zeb were all sitting around a table. Ahsoka was the first one to speak.

"So, where will me and Anakin sleep?" Ahsoka asked no one in particular. She was holding Anakin's clammy hand. Even though he was more comfortable around the crew than he had been before, he was still quite nervous.

"I can move to Hera's room and you both can share my room," Kanan offered.

Sabine gave him a smirk. "Please do. It's been so painful watching you both pretend you aren't absolutely in love with each other," she said.

Hera sighed. "It's settled then. Kanan, get your stuff out of your room and bring it all into mine," Hera instructed him. Kanan nodded and headed off towards his room.

"Anakin," Hera said as she focused her attention to Anakin. He looked at her. "Yes?" Anakin replied.

"Do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself? We're all sort of like family here, and as you're our new addition, I think it would be nice if we could know a little bit about you," Hera said.

"Alright," Anakin responded, semi-awkwardly. "I'm... uh Anakin Skywalker. I'm thirty eight, and I uh... What am I supposed to say?"

"What's your favorite color?" Sabine asked Anakin.

"I... I don't have one?" Anakin responded. Sabine raised an eyebrow at him. "You sure? Doesn't everyone have a favorite color?"

"Yellow, I guess," Anakin replied to her, slightly hesitant in his words. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were the only ones besides his mother who had ever known his favorite color. It was odd telling it to people he hadn't even known for little while. It was such a causal topic.

Sabine smiled. "I like yellow too," she said kindly.  "My favorite color usually depends on the day and how I'm feeling. Yellow's my favorite today."

Sabine decided to ask him another question. "What's your personality like?" Sabine asked.

Anakin wasn't sure exactly what to say, so Ahsoka replied to Sabine's question for him. "Anakin is very caring and kind," Ahsoka said. "He is probably the most compassionate Jedi to ever live."

Anakin couldn't believe the full belief he could feel that Ahsoka held in her words. She really did respect and look up to him. She always had, and Anakin had a feelings she always would no matter what.

"Then I guess I can speak for the whole crew by saying that we're really glad to have you on our side," Sabine told Anakin. "I can tell a good person when I see one. I don't need words, I just know. And I know that you're a very good person, Anakin."

Anakin was stunned by this girl's words. It was one thing for Ahsoka, Obi-Wan or his children to say he was a good person, but this girl that he hadn't even known for a day? Anakin couldn't wrap his head around it.

Before Anakin could verbally react to Sabine's words, Kanan entered the room again. "Everything's out of my room," Kanan declared casually. "It's all move in ready for the both of you."

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