Broken and Destroyed

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Once they were both calmed down, Ahsoka remembered how Hera had invited them both to join the Ghost Crew. She wondered how Anakin would feel about it. There was only one way to know.

"You know Kanan and Ezra," Ahsoka stated. "Kanan has some friends and a crew he's apart of. It's called the Ghost Crew, and someone I'm fairly close to; Hera, has invited us both to join the Ghost Crew," she said, anxiously waiting for her reply.

Anakin pondered for a moment. "I- I would like that," he replied with a small smile.

Ahsoka grinned back as she thought about how this would be such a good opportunity to get Anakin's life back on track, as well as her own.

"I know Ezra was mean to you in the beginning, but once he has the time to realize that you are not mentally Vader anymore, he'll accept you. He cares very deeply for people he thinks deserve to be blessed with his kindness," Ahsoka said with a smile.

"From all the times I've seen Ezra he's shown great bravery," Anakin said. "I hope that he can be friends with the twins in the future."

Ahsoka smiled. "Yes, I hope so too," she said. "I could even see the two of you being friends. You're both similar in many ways, yet different in ways that will ensure you won't get into conflicts with each other."

"I- I would like to get to know Ezra. Even when I was Vader, I admired him greatly. Kanan has trained him well," Anakin whispered, almost shyly.

There was a moment of silence before Ahsoka spoke. "By the way, Kanan's real name is Caleb Dume," Ahsoka said.

Anakin's face lit up. "I thought he looked familiar," he muttered. "I am glad that he survived the purges."

"I was relived when I found out. I had lost so many in just a few days." She sighed. "As you know me and Caleb were good friends, and I'd say that we still are."

Anakin was filled with guilt as he remembered how he had ruined Ahsoka's life. He tried to not let it consume him like it had previously though. He had to mentally be there for Ahsoka and his children, no matter what.

"That's good," Anakin whispered. Ahsoka caught onto how awkward he was. Anakin didn't know what exactly to say, and she couldn't exactly say she blamed him.

"Hey, don't get all sad on me now, alright? I know it's hard to move on, trust me I know, but I suggest you try. Don't drown yourself in your misery," Ahsoka told him gently.

Anakin looked at her, his face displaying how worn he was and how tired he was of everything. "I'm sorry, Ahsoka. I'm trying it's just— I only know how to drown in my sorrow. It's all I've been doing for the past fifteen years," his voice raised slightly, and he tensed up significantly.

"Anakin," Ahsoka tried to soothe him as she put her hands on his shoulders. "Please calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down?" Anakin suddenly snapped. "Ahsoka, I cannot calm down! You try to calm down when you're responsible for constantly hurting everyone that is close to you and- and killing s- so many people! I'm a monster and a disgrace to our lineage." Anakin closed his eyes as he tried to control his breathing.

Ahsoka sighed. "You're not a disgrace, Anakin," she said softly and truly. "I care for you like a brother, and nothing will ever change that. No matter what you or I do, no matter what happens, we're tied together. As I said many years ago, you're stuck with me, Skyguy."

Anakin's eyes widened as she said a nickname she hadn't called him in years, probably since she was fifteen.

A warm smile took over Ahsoka's lips as she looked into Anakin's shock filled eyes.

"I don't understand how you can be so loyal and kind after what I've done to you and the galaxy," Anakin said.

Ahsoka smiled. "Because I care about you, Anakin. Nothing could ever change that. Not all of the things you've done or said, nothing at all. We have a bond that can ever be completely broken or destroyed, but that doesn't mean we ourselves can't be broken or destroyed," Ahsoka sighed. "I felt broken and destroyed everyday I didn't have you in my life, and I know you've felt broken and destroyed for the past fifteen years, now as well too."

"It's okay for us to feel this way— completely fine. Feeling utterly crushed is the first step in putting yourself back together again, and no one was there for me when I put myself back together, so I'm going to make sure I'm here for you while you sort yourself out," she said.

Tears formed in Anakin's eyes at her sincere and encouraging words. He could only mutter three words.

"Thank you, Ahsoka."

"Your welcome, Skyguy," Ahsoka replied with a smile.

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