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"There's no way you actually invited him to join the Ghost Crew!" Ezra yelled at Hera.

"Ezra, please." Hera let out a frustrated breath. "Kanan and Ahsoka both believe that it's safe to be around him now, and you should trust their judgment," she told him.

"But-" Ezra began, but Hera interrupted him.

"But nothing, Ezra," she said. "You know, none of us have completely clean and innocent backgrounds, and that's fine, because you should never judge someone on their worst actions or mistakes."

"Yeah," Ezra said. "You shouldn't, but we're talking about Darth Vader for goodness sake!"

"All of us have a little bit of Darth Vader in us," Hera said. "We have darkness in us, and from what Kanan has told me, Anakin was one of the best Jedi around."

"Yeah, maybe. He probably was until he turned against the Jedi! Having him on the Ghost is very dangerous!" Ezra told her.

"You have to at least him a chance, Ezra," Hera said as she looked in his eyes. "I know it's hard, but you need to."

Ezra sighed. "Fine," he huffed, defeated. "But I'm only doing this for you, Kanan, and Ahsoka."

Hera smiled a little. "I knew you'd come around eventually," she said lightly.

"I want to spend time with him before he steps foot in the Ghost though," Ezra told her.

"That's fair," Hera said. "How about you go see him now, alright?"

Ezra nodded. He smiled at her slightly. "I will," he responded.

As he was walking away, Hera raised her voice so that he could hear her final request. "Be nice to him, please. He's really been through a lot."

Ezra sighed before knocking on the door of the room Ahsoka and Anakin shared. Ahsoka was the one who answered it. "Ezra," she said, surprise in her tone. "What are you doing here?" Ahsoka asked.

"I wanted to talk to... Anakin," Ezra told her, showing her a fake smile that held enthusiasm.

Hearing his name, Anakin stood up and walked so that he was next to Ahsoka. "Ezra," Anakin breathed. He knew this boy didn't like him. What did he want?

As if reading Anakin's mind, Ezra spoke. "Don't be scared, okay? I just want to get to know you," he said comfortably, smiling at him. Ezra was getting less alert the more he talked to Anakin.

"Okay," Anakin replied. "I'll be back soon, Ahsoka. Try not to have too much fun without me."

Ahsoka smirked at him. "Oh, I'm going to throw the biggest party this rebel base has ever seen," she joked.

Anakin smirked back at Ahsoka. "Have fun with that," he responded to her before walking away with Ezra.

They walked together until they got to the outskirts of the base. The planet was truly beautiful. Ezra and Anakin sat on the ground facing each other.

"You really want to get to know me?" Anakin asked, doubt in his voice. Why would this boy, who had no connection to Anakin, want to spend time with him after Anakin had hurt him?

Ezra shrugged. "Why not?"

"Okay then," Anakin replied awkwardly.

"What do you want to talk about?" Ezra asked him bluntly. He was still quite nervous and unsure about talking to the former Sith, but he didn't seem too bad so far.

"Hm?" Anakin hummed, Ezra's question catching off guard.

"What do you want to talk about?" Ezra repeated. He smiled slightly at the man before him. He was starting to realize he wasn't bad, in fact Anakin was actually nice.

"I... I don't know," Anakin replied shyly.

"Alright then," Ezra said. "I'll ask you something. How does it feel to be invited to be apart of the Ghost Crew? Don't take it lightly, it's hard to be apart of it, everyone's so very crazy."

Anakin raised an eyebrow at him. This boy was truly something. "I feel honored I suppose," he responded. Anakin couldn't help it when a fairly big smile appeared on his face. "I don't really know."

Ezra knew for sure now that he could trust Anakin. He could maybe even be friends with him too.

"Look, I'm truthfully sorry that I've been mean and cold to you and your kid, it's just this has all been really hard for me," Ezra apologized. He paused before continuing. "If you'd like, I'd like to be your friend."

A small smile formed on Anakin's face. "It's okay, Ezra," Anakin told him gently. "And I'd like to be your friend."

Ezra jumped up and started to fist bump the sky. "I'm friends with Anakin Skywalker!" Ezra exclaimed over and over.

Anakin put his mechanical hand in front of his mouth as he laughed. It had been a long time since he had done that.

"I've... never had someone that excited to be my friend before," Anakin said while grinning.

Ezra stopped his antics and grinned back at him. "I like to say that there's a first time for everything," said Ezra.

Anakin nodded. "Indeed," he replied.

For once in the longest time, Anakin's life felt like it was finally working out. Sure he didn't have Padmè, and that hurt more than anything in the universe, but at least he had caring people in his life again. That was truly remarkable to him.

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