The Wisdom My Face Holds

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Leia and Luke were hanging out in their shared room. Luke was playing with a small model of a tie fighter. Uncle Owen had bought it for him when Luke had showed interest in applying for the Imperial Academy. That was now a dream of the past, but it was still fun to play with.

"Why do you have a mini little tie fighter?" Leia asked him. She kept her main focus on what she was doing.

"Because I do. Why do you ask so many questions, sister?" Luke snapped.

"So very sorry," Leia snapped back. "I don't know a lot about you, and I want to learn more about you. You are my twin brother after all if you didn't know."

"How does me talking about a stupid tie fighter tell you anything about me?" Luke asked with a confused look on his face.

"It lets me know of your intentions," Leia said mysteriously.

Luke eyed her. "What's that even supposed to mean?" Luke questioned.

"It lets me know if your a clone of our father."

Luke gave her a look. "And what does that mean?" Luke asked.

Leia shook her head. "It means nothing. Forget I said anything, okay?"

She didn't want to be the one who told Luke what terrible things their father had done, and what he had been apart of.

"Why are you so indecisive?" Luke blurted out.

Leia looked at him. "What? How am I indecisive?" Leia stood up to make a point, and Luke stood up as well.

"You always say something like it's the craziest thing in the galaxy, and then act like it's the smallest and most pointless problem," Luke said.

"Whatever. It doesn't even matter!" Leia grumbled.

Luke nodded enthusiastically. "See? This is what I mean. You get all pressed about an issue and then say," Luke cleared his throat and made his voice high pitched to mock Leia. ""Whatever. It doesn't even matter!" You're insane!"

"Hey, don't act like my voice is as high as the clouds, Luke! You have a voice far higher than mine, you just don't want to admit it. I'm probably the older twin," Leia said smugly.

"You wish that you're the older twin, Leia. I'm sure I'm older than you. You can tell by the wisdom my face holds," said Luke.

Leia raised an eyebrow. "What wisdom, brother?"

"Only other wise people can see how wise I am. I'm the wisest being in the whole universe!"

Leia hit him on the arm. "As if!"

"If, if, if!" Luke chanted.

"You're so smart, my extraordinarily wise brother," Leia said sarcastically. "I can't believe I'm related to you. I'm honored!"

"Mhm, as you should be," Luke said.

Leia sat down on her bed and looked at Luke. "All jokes aside, Luke, what do you think... our mother was like?" Leia asked her brother.

Luke shrugged as he sat beside her.

Leia continued. "I like to imagine she was really beautiful with a strong personality," she said. "She had to be for our father to disobey the Jedi code for her."

Luke gave her a confused expression. "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, you don't know? Jedi weren't encouraged to have strong emotional ties. Apparently it made them prone to the Dark Side. That's stupid. I think love is one of the things in this universe that embodies light. For me at least, love and all similar things are what empowers me all the time."

Luke looked at her with a shocked expression. "Obi-Wan described the Jedi Order like it was the best thing to ever exist, or at least that's how I took it because I always wanted to be a Jedi." Luke sighed. "I can't even imagine having to ignore my feelings."

"Luke, do you ever wonder why our father turned to the Dark Side?" Leia asked her brother.

"I barely know anything about all of that. All I know is the Dark Side is bad. I want to know, but I also don't I guess. I idolize father, and if I heard about all the awful things he's done, I don't know if I could continue idolizing him," Luke whispered.

"I don't know all of the things he's done, but I know that he's done horrible things to our family— to me," Leia managed to say, her mind haunted from memories she would prefer to forget.

"I'll talk to him about it later," Luke said. "I want to know it all."

"Why because you want to be wise?" Leia joked with a smile.

"Enough," Luke smiled back.

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