A Complete Monster

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Anakin and Obi-Wan were talking with each other. They had so much to say, yet nothing at all. Life had been dull on Tatooine for Obi-Wan, and Anakin didn't wish to inform Obi-Wan on his time as Darth Vader.

Anakin looked at Obi-Wan with affection and guilt as Obi-Wan rubbed circles on his upper back. He didn't deserve any of this kind and tender treatment that he was receiving.

Ahsoka watched them with a absentminded smile on her face. She was so happy that they were getting along. It would be one of the first times that she had ever seen them get along without bickering for more than an hour.

Obi-Wan sighed. "I have something I need to tell you, Anakin," he said.

Anakin looked at him with a decent amount of curiosity. "What is it, Master?" Anakin asked him.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath as he thought about what he was going to say. Was he really going to do this? Yes, Anakin has to know.

"Anakin," he started softly. "Your twins are alive."

"What?" Anakin gasped, nearly inaudibly. "But I- I killed Padmè. They... they died with her."

Obi-Wan looked at Anakin with confusion. "You... you didn't kill Padmè, Anakin. The medical droid said that she was in perfect health before she delivered the babies. I suspect it was Sidious who drained the life away from her."

Obi-Wan had never seen Anakin's face hold so much pain and confusion in his whole life. It pained him greatly to see Anakin look so lost.

"What- what were her last words?" Anakin asked him quietly.

"She told me that she believed there was still good in you," Obi-Wan he whispered. "At the time I thought she was simply clinging onto the man you used to be, the man that she loved. Now I see that she was right and that I was wrong," Obi-Wan said as he gave Anakin a small smile.

"How- how could s- she be able to see any good in me after I choked her? How c- could she?" Anakin questioned him as he cried quietly.

"Because you were the love of her life. When you have that bond with someone, it never fades away. Padmè was right to have faith in you, Anakin."

Anakin pondered his thoughts for a moment before he said something else. "What are their names?" Anakin asked.

"You have a daughter and a son. The daughter is in the care of Bail Organa and his wife. Her name is Leia. The boy is on Tatooine with your step-brother and wife. His name is Luke," Obi-Wan said.

Anakin's face displayed pure horror as he relived the moments he had with his daughter. They were not exactly pleasant to say the least.


Darth Vader was restless as he headed to a cell with a young girl in it.

He lingered in the doorway for a moment, hoping to inspire fear in the little girl. It worked. She was absolutely terrified of him. As she should be.

"Please don't hurt me," the girl cried in fear. Vader smiled cruelly at her. "That depends on you, little one. I will not hurt you unless you give me reason to."

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