I Missed You

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It was a day later when Obi-Wan arrived at the rebel base. He immediately headed for Ahsoka and Anakin's room. He couldn't believe that Anakin had finally came back from the darkness. He had missed the happiness that Anakin had always brought to his life.

Obi-Wan played with his hands as a rebel directed him to their room.

"Watch out for Skywalker," the man said. "I've heard some horror stories about him. If I were you, I would keep a good distance away from him. If I had a choice, then I would honestly stay galaxies away from him."

Obi-Wan almost laughed at the man's words. "I am very well aware of all of the stories told about him, and have even witnessed some of them first hand. I know what I'm up against, but thank you," he said.

They soon reached the door.

"Good luck in there," the man told Obi-Wan.

"In my experience, there is no such thing as luck," Obi-Wan replied with a small smile before walking in.

Ahsoka had just put Anakin to bed. She put a finger to her lips telling Obi-Wan to be quiet. She walked over to him.

"He's been having trouble sleeping," Ahsoka whispered. "He rarely ever sleeps, because he has nightmares whenever he does."

Obi-Wan sighed to himself. "That would be nothing new," he responded.

"He hasn't been doing well Obi-Wan," Ahsoka said, worry evident in her voice. "He hasn't even left this room since he got here. I'm so worried about him. I don't know how to help him."

Obi-Wan stroked his beard, deep in thought. "That is troubling," he whispered. "I hope that I'll be able to help him in some way."

Ahsoka nodded. "So do I," she said before sighing. "I'm so glad that you're here, Obi-Wan." There was absolute relief in her eyes.

Obi-Wan smiled at her genuinely. "I'm happy to be here, Ashoka. I'm so overwhelmed with joy by the fact that he came with you. I tried to save him a few years ago, but to no avail," he said.

They were interrupted by Anakin talking in his sleep.

"Padmè," Anakin muttered. "No... please don't leave me. I'll... I'll come back.. No!" Anakin abruptly woke up. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan were crouched beside his bed. He looked at Obi-Wan with shock.

Obi-Wan sadly smiled. "Hello, Anakin," he said. "It's great to see you again."

Anakin abruptly sat up, trying to instantly make himself look semi-presentable. It didn't work. He looked at Obi-Wan with a guilt filled face.

"Obi-Wan I- I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you last time. I was so stupid. I'm so sorry. For everything," he stuttered weakly.

"Don't, Anakin. I was forcing you far too hard. I understand that now. It takes time, and I wasn't willing to give you that time. It took years for Sidious to manipulate you, and it would make sense that it would also take years for you to break free from his possessive grip," Obi-Wan told him comfortingly.

"You're making it seem like I'm some hero for coming back from the Dark Side," Anakin chuckled quietly. "I'm not."

"You are though," said Obi-Wan, a small smile on his face, his tired eyes lighting up slightly. "Jedi... they don't just come back from the Dark Side. It takes a lot to do what you did, and I'm so very proud of you, Anakin."

Anakin was speechless for a moment. He had never been used to receiving compliments from Obi-Wan, for he had rarely ever gotten them from him.

"Obi-Wan I... I don't know what to say," Anakin muttered while still in astonishment.

"Well, a thank you would be nice," Obi-Wan smirked.

"Obi-Wan, I don't understand how you could be so forgiving. I- I destroyed the entire Jedi Order. I've killed so many... I'm a cold blooded killer."

"Anakin, a cold blooded killer wouldn't have any regrets," Obi-Wan said. His heart was breaking for his former Padawan. Anakin looked so tormented that it made him want to cry.

Anakin shook his head. "You don't know that, Obi-Wan," he said. "You haven't destroyed everything like I have, so you don't get to decide the qualities of a cold blooded killer."

"Maybe not," Obi-Wan said. "But I did raise you for a fair amount of time. I know how you are, Anakin. You're aggressive and reckless."

Anakin's head dropped down at Obi-Wan's words, shame completely consuming him. Obi-Wan continued.

"But you're also kind hearted, passionate, sensitive, and strong. Not many could go through what you have, Anakin. You have always amazed me, and I have regretted it every day that I did not tell you that as much as I should have," said Obi-Wan. "I hope you'll one day find it in your heart to forgive me, Anakin."

Anakin was beyond stunned by Obi-Wan's words. He could not believe what he had said. Obi-Wan had not only complimented him, but had also asked for Anakin's forgiveness. He didn't understand why Obi-Wan would do that. It should be Anakin apologizing, not him.

"Master, h- how can you that you're the one who needs to be forgiven?" Anakin questioned Obi-Wan, confusion in his tone. "You didn't do anything wrong."

Tears accumulated in Obi-Wan's eyes as he realized that Anakin had no self worth. Obi-Wan had wronged Anakin in endless ways, and he thought that Anakin would be the first person to know that.

Obi-Wan neared closer to Anakin as he hesitantly pulled Anakin in for a hug. Anakin didn't object. He wrapped his arms around Obi-Wan and held onto him like a lifeline.

Anakin sobbed into Obi-Wan's shoulder. "I'm so, so sorry, Obi-Wan," Anakin cried. "I destroyed your w- whole... life.

Obi-Wan pulled back. "Anakin, don't do this to yourself," he whispered to him sadly.

Anakin frowned. "You know that I'm right. That is what... confuses me, Master," he said. "How could you even to talk to me when I've caused so much ruin?"

Obi-Wan gave Anakin a soft and sincere smile. "Because I raised you, Anakin. I couldn't hate you even if I tried," he said, his voice extremely soft.

Obi-Wan's smile vanished when he realized just how broken and confused Anakin looked. Sidious had led him to a point where he couldn't understand why anyone would ever care for him. All of this was so very wrong.

"I know that your mentality can't heal overnight. I know that this healing process will take time," Obi-Wan said as he looked Anakin straight in the eyes to convey his feelings. "I promise you that I will stay here every step of the way. I'll help you heal, and I'll guide you through your depression. I also know that Ahsoka and Rex will also be there for you as well."

Anakin broke down again. He collapsed into Obi-Wan's gentle and calming embrace. He didn't care anymore if he was seen as weak. It was at least better than being seen as an emotionless killer.

Obi-Wan ran his aged fingers through Anakin's curly locks. Obi-Wan thought it was unfair that Anakin got to look practically the same as he had when he had last saw him. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan's hair was greying with streaks of white, and his skin was gathering wrinkles. He supposed that's what Tatooine does to people.

"I missed you," Anakin whispered, such love in his tone. "I missed all of this. People c- caring for me... It's nice."

Obi-Wan warmly smiled. "I missed you too, Anakin."

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