Forgive Him

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Obi-Wan had already picked up Leia, and he had just picked up Luke from the Lars homestead. He had explained to the both couples that Anakin had turned back from the dark, and he had the right to raise the twins. They were hesitant, but they eventually gave in. They were heading now back to the rebel base which wouldn't take long.
Luke was excited to meet his father, but Leia couldn't say the same. She remembered what he had done to her, and Leia couldn't simply forgive that.

"What is he like? Is he really cool?" Luke asked Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan smiled. "Yes, I suppose that he is cool."

Luke looked at Obi-Wan with confusion and curiosity. "Leia told me that he's a complete monster."

Obi-Wan sighed. "Leia was exposed to him at the worst part of his life. In short, he hurt her, but I know that he deeply regrets ever harming her," he said as he looked in Leia's direction. "I know he'll do anything he can to right his wrongs."

Leia's brown eyes narrowed in anger. "Nothing can make hurting a ten year old alright, Obi-Wan!" She hissed at him.

"I suppose you are right," Obi-Wan said. "But please know that he never meant to hurt you." After that, the room was engulfed with an awkward silence.

The three of them soon arrived at the rebel base.

Luke was looking around at awe at all of the starships. Leia on the other hand, was too busy dealing with her thoughts about everything. She was about to see Va- her father again. She didn't really know how to feel about him just yet. Maybe she would give him a chance.

Obi-Wan led the twins to Anakin and Ahsoka's room.

When Anakin set eyes on his children, he didn't know what to exactly say or do. They were almost fully grown. He had missed out on so much of their lives, the fundamental parts at least. This wasn't fair, yet it was everything he deserved.

"Luke, Leia," he breathed, walking closer to them hesitantly.

With every step Anakin neared to Leia, the more she backed away. It was like she was ten years old again.

"Leia," Anakin whispered brokenly, just as fearful as her, if not more.

"You're not my father!" Leia blurted out. "Bail Organa is my father! He would never hurt me like you have, Vader!"

Anakin sighed and tilted his head down as his heart broke. It was no surprise that Leia would prefer Bail to him, as he was her loving and supportive guardian for so many years, while the only thing he was there for was torture. The predictability of the situation didn't make it hurt any less. Nothing could have prepared Anakin for rejection from his own child.

"Leia," Obi-Wan snapped at her with anger. Anakin was troubled enough. He didn't need his daughter's rejection adding to his problems.

Anakin fell on his knees before Leia. He knew he needed to apologize, to beg for her forgiveness.

"Leia, I- I know I've wronged you in so, so many ways, and I'm so genuinely sorry... I- I know that saying sorry doesn't mean anything— can't mean anything when what I've done against you is so wrong." He took in a deep breath. "I'm not asking for your forgiveness. I'm just letting you know that I will regret what I've done to you until the day that I die."

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