The Ghost

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"So, Anakin," Hera began lightly. "How do you like my ship?"

Anakin smiled to himself as he looked around at the outside of the ship. "The Ghost is quite an impressive ship," Anakin told her.

Hera smiled. "I've heard you're quite a pilot," she said. "Maybe you can fly her sometime."

Anakin's eyes lit up. It had been awhile since he had flown an actual nice ship. His TIE Advanced fighter had been alright, but the ship just hadn't been to his complete liking. Still, it had been a lot better than a normal TIE fighter. "I'd like that," he replied. "Thank you."

"Would you like to meet the full crew properly?" Hera asked him.

Anakin nodded. "Yes I would," he said. "That sounds nice."

Hera smiled. "I'll go get them," she told him. "Assuming that they haven't gotten themselves killed or have killed each other," she added under her breath. As she left, Anakin raised an eyebrow with a soft chuckle.

"This should be interesting," he muttered to himself, very amused.

Hera soon came back with the Ghost Crew.

"Everyone," Hera said. "This is Anakin Skywalker. I'm sure that you've at least heard of him once or twice. He has changed his ways and is here to aid the Rebellion."

There was a moment of silence. Anakin could feel himself start to sweat under all of their watchful and observing eyes. He didn't like this.

"Introduce yourselves, please," Hera said, making Anakin slightly more comfortable.

"I'm Sabine," Sabine Wren said first. Anakin immediately recognized her armor and helmet. He had encountered her on Lothal when he was Vader. He would need to apologize to her at some point for hurting her. She had tried to shoot him twice, and he had blocked the shots with his lightsaber, leaving her with two injuries.

"I'm Zeb, and this is Chopper. Be very wary of him," Zeb Orrelios said.

Anakin hesitantly smiled at them. Sabine enthusiastically smiled back while Zeb merely glanced him over.

"May I uh.. talk with your droid?" Anakin asked. He wasn't even sure who he was really asking. It had been awhile since he had been able to bond with a droid.

"Of course," Hera replied.

Anakin bent down so that he was just a bit taller than the droid. "Hey," he said as he put a hand on the top of Chopper. "It's nice to meet you, Chopper."

Chopper beeped back at him. Anakin wistfully smiled at the droid. "Yeah, I.. I used to have an astromech," he forced himself not to think too much about his trusty loyal companion R2-D2. Who knows where in the galaxy he was now.

Chopper said something back. "You can tell? Oh can you now?" Anakin responded.

"The way I'm kind with you— Wait... You think that I'm kind?"

Chopper beeped back and started circling around him.

"Be very grateful," Sabine told Anakin with a smirk. "He isn't openly fond around most people."

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