Operation Knightfall

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Since their father was gone at the moment, Luke and Leia were with Obi-Wan, bombarding him all sorts of curious questions.

"Obi-Wan, when will we be able to become Jedi?" Luke asked eagerly. Leia rolled her eyes at her brother. "Who says we're becoming Jedi?" She questioned him. "Well, we're Force sensitive or whatever, so it would kind of be a waste if we weren't trained," Luke replied.

Obi-Wan intervened. "You both will be trained if that is what your father wishes of you," Obi-Wan said. "You will not go against his wishes if he does not want you to be trained."

"But Obi-Wan," Luke practically whined. "Why wouldn't he want us to be trained? Wouldn't it be better that way?" He asked.

Obi-Wan sighed before giving the both of the twins a tired smile. "Your father is very protective over you both. I know he wouldn't want either of you to be in danger, but it could also be dangerous to have you two untrained in a galaxy like this... So I don't know, Luke. We'll just have to see."

Luke sighed in response. Leia playfully hit him. "I still can't believe that you're the older one," she told him. Luke shrugged as a smirk appeared on his face. "What did I tell you? I'm wise."

Obi-Wan facepalmed. These were certainly Anakin's children.

Meanwhile, the Ghost Crew had just came out of hyperspace and were nearly at the rebel base. Anakin and Ahsoka were in their bedroom sitting on Anakin's bunk.

"I can't wait to see Luke, Leia, and Obi-Wan," Anakin told Ahsoka. "I miss them." Ahsoka smiled at him. "Me too, Anakin."

Anakin smiled. "I am happy that I have all of you in my life again. It was... lonely without you."

"I'm sure," Ahsoka whispered. "I'm sorry that you had to be alone for so long." Anakin shrugged, sighing. "It was my own doing," he muttered, looking down at the floor of the ship.

"Maybe," Ahsoka said. "Maybe not. Sidious groomed you for so long that you thought you couldn't trust anyone but him, and maybe it's true that me and Obi-Wan weren't there for you, but he only ever pretended to care."

Anakin closed his eyes, downcast. "I know," he whispered sadly.

The Ghost soon touched down at the rebel base. Outside, Luke and Leia were excitedly waiting for Anakin. Obi-Wan was behind them.

Anakin hurried off of the ship with Ahsoka following close behind him. He ran down the ramp of the ship and to Luke and Leia. He was quick to pull them both into a loving hug.

"I missed you both so much," Anakin whispered to Luke and Leia. He kissed their foreheads gently.

Leia was better at concealing her excitement over the fact that Anakin was back, but Luke was practically beaming with happiness.

"We missed you too, even though Leia doesn't care to admit it," Luke said. Leia raised an eyebrow. "What? I never said whether or not I missed him or not," Leia replied.

"Exactly!" Luke exclaimed. Leia rolled her eyes at him. "Whatever, Luke."

Anakin smiled to himself, a deep amusement filling him as his children bickered back and forth at each other. He had missed having such innocence in his life. Anakin had been like that once, years prior. Before Sidious had broken him beyond repair.

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