Know Everything

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Anakin had fallen asleep next to Obi-Wan in his bed. Obi-Wan woke up before Anakin had. Instead of waking him up, Obi-Wan watched him as he slept peacefully. He hadn't seen Anakin peaceful in a very long time. It was so sad that the only time he could be now was when he was unconscious.

Meanwhile, Ahsoka was sitting on her bed in the room that she and Anakin shared. She was worried about him. He had woken her up when he left for Obi-Wan's room. Ahsoka hadn't fallen asleep since then.

Instead of sleeping she had been thinking about all she had lost and all she had just gained.

Ahsoka had lost so much in and after the war, but she now also had Anakin and Obi-Wan back in her daily life. She also had Luke and Leia. Things were good again— not great, but good and acceptable. She could live semi-happily again.

She smiled when Anakin finally returned to the room they shared.

"Hello, Anakin," she said with a welcoming smile. He smiled back at her. "Did you sleep well?" Anakin asked her.

"Not the best," Ahsoka admitted. "But I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Anakin questioned, his concern endearing to Ahsoka.

"Yes, I'm sure, Anakin," Ahsoka replied softly. "If anyone should be worried about anyone, it should be me worrying about you," she said. "I know why you went to Obi-Wan's room last night. You had another nightmare... Are you alright?"

Anakin sighed. "I'm okay, Ahsoka. I promise." He smiled slightly at her, attempting to be reassuring.

"Alright then," Ahsoka replied. Anakin sat beside her, and Ahsoka rested her head on his shoulder. She had missed Anakin so much. In the war he had been like her older brother, and even after fifteen years nothing changed.

"I missed this," Anakin muttered. "Before I- I found you again, I hadn't touched anyone for fifteen years, and nobody had touched me, save for the Emperor a few times... in ways that we're not kind, but well deserved. Being touched sincerely again is nice," he said.

Ahsoka squeezed her eyes shut. She had assumed as a Sith Anakin wouldn't have gotten lots of physical contact, but what Anakin had said simply made her feel terrible.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that," Ahsoka whispered without opening up her eyes.

Anakin smiled contently. "It's alright."

Anakin sighed as his children unknowingly reached out to him through the Force. They wanted to know everything. He didn't want to leave Ahsoka now, but he also didn't want to keep his children waiting, for they had already been waiting since they were born.

"I'm sorry, Ahsoka, I have to see the twins," Anakin said apologetically.

Ahsoka quickly took her head of Anakin's shoulder and nodded. "I suppose you do have a lot to explain," she said with a small smile. "Good luck."

Anakin nervously smiled back. "T- Thank you, Ahsoka," he replied.

Anakin walked over to Luke and Leia's room. Nerves were getting the better of him. He was scared to see how they would react to hear the whole story of his turn to the Dark Side.

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