Boy From Tatooine

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"So, how much soldiers does this rebellion have anyways?" Luke very curiously asked Ahsoka. Ahsoka smiled at his innocence. She knew it would soon be crushed by the harsh reality of war. She would know, because the same thing had happened to her.

"We don't have enough fighters to take the Empire head on, but we have enough to jab them every now and then in the side," Ahsoka said as she made a little jabbing motion with her hands, which got a good laugh from Luke.

"Am I going to fight? Can I be a rebel?" Luke asked.

Ahsoka sighed as she glanced over at Obi-Wan. She knew that he had definitely been wanting Anakin's offspring to be Jedi since he had known that Padmè was pregnant.

"That will depend on your father, young one. If he thinks you're up to the challenge to become a Jedi, then you can become one. If he thinks it's too dangerous then you will respect his decision," Ahsoka said.

"You mean there's a chance I can become a Jedi? Me? I know that father's a Jedi, but me? I'm just a boy from Tatooine," said Luke.

"So was he," Obi-Wan chimed in.

"Where do you want to go next, Luke?" Ahsoka changed the subject.

Luke shrugged. "Everything you have shown me so far has been leagues above anything I saw on Tatooine, so I guess it's up to you."

"How would you like to meet some good friends of mine?" Ahsoka suggested.

"I would love too!" Luke exclaimed cheerfully.

Ahsoka looked at Obi-Wan. "You can check on Anakin and Leia if you'd like," she said.

Obi-Wan nodded. "I think I will," he said. He looked down at Luke. "I expect that you'll be good to Ahsoka in my absence."

Luke nodded, a big smile on his face. "Of course!"

Obi-Wan sadly smiled as he saw so much of Anakin when he was younger in Luke. Before he had been stripped of his bright light and innocence.

Ahsoka led Luke to where she sensed the Ghost Crew's presence. They were all in deep conversation. Ezra was the first one to notice Ahsoka and Luke.

"Who are you?" Ezra asked Luke curiously.

Ahsoka spoke for Luke. "Ezra, here is Luke Skywalker, Luke, here is Ezra Bridger," she said.

Ezra's eyes widened and then narrowed. "That monster has a son? How?"

Ahsoka gave Ezra a look. "Anakin has a son, yes. He also has a daughter called Leia. I hope that you will make them feel at home," she said.

"They're his children! His little Sith! We're all going to die! They're going to kill us all!" Ezra yelled on the top of his lungs. "This is so wrong!"

Ezra's screeching attracted Hera Syndulla to the scene.

"What is going on here?" Hera asked Ahsoka and Ezra, but mainly Ezra.

"He's Vader's son, Hera! He has a sister too! They shouldn't be here!" Ezra said.

"Ezra, go to Kanan," Hera told Ezra.

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