Chapter 2

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'What's wrong with his face?' asked Harry in a panic-stricken tone.

'Let's not talk about his appearance for a while and focus on the fact that our professor just passed out. Come on, let's try to levitate him all at once and get out of here.' Hermione said, trying to stay calm.

'Wingardium Leviosa.'

The professor floated in the air while they were walking back to the trapdoor, with Harry supporting Ron since he couldn't walk properly with an injury on his leg. Once they reached it, Hermione climbed out, levitating Severus above her and carefully put him onto the floor. Harry and Ron quickly got out themselves.

Then, they ran outside holding Severus's body in the air in front of them. They ran all the way to the infirmary, a bit worried about the professor that they detested. 

'Madam Pomfrey, help, Professor Snape passed out!' Harry shouted. 

At that sound of that, Madam Pomfrey rushed out from her office and immediately started to get Severus onto a bed. Then ran all sorts of diagnostic charms on him while muttering something under her breath. Then once she casted some sort of spell that Harry did not know, she walked over to the fireplace, threw in some floo powder, stuck her head through it and yelled, 

'Albus! Come to the infirmary, there's a situation.'

Harry had never seen the floo before and was quite interested, but before he asked what it was, he remembered there were more important things to think about like why Quirrell's skin melted when he touched him and what was wrong with Snape and the reason behind his sudden change of appearance.

His thoughts were interrupted when Dumbledore walked through the fireplace and towards Madam Pomfrey who was next to the unconscious potion's master laying on the bed.

'What happened, Poppy?' inquired Dumbledore.

'You'd better ask those three.' she said while gesturing to the Golden Trio. 

'Is he alright?' 

'Yes, he is in a stable condition, his magic has just been used a little too much, though it might take a few days for him to recover so he'll need to stay here for tonight.' 

'Good, now moving on to you three.' Dumbledore said with his infamous twinkle in his eye.

Harry didn't understand how he still have that twinkle despite the situation.

'Tell me everything from the start.' the headmaster pronounced.

Harry, Hermione and Ron told him about everything and Dumbledore listened intently.

'It seems that you three have had an exciting year here in Hogwarts, haven't you?' Dumbledore said after they finished recounting the events.

'It really has.' Hermione answered.

'Headmaster, why has Professor Snape's appearance changed?' Harry asked.

'Severus must have put up a glamour, I was not actually aware that he had one, Hogwarts has a strict "no glamour rule" for all the staff working here in Hogwarts so I'll need to discuss this him when he wakes up. Now, why don't we get you checked for any injuries. I can already see that Mister Weasley has hurt his leg. Let's get you all fixed up.' 

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all received a check up and Ron's leg was quickly healed by Madam Pomfrey. They were given a Dreamless Sleep potion since Dumbledore thought it would be best for them to have a good night's sleep and he escorted them back to their dormitories and bid them a good night. 

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