Chapter 16

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Harry was patiently at Severus's bedside, waiting for him to possibly wake from his coma. The Weasley family had tried to get Harry back to the Burrow for some much needed rest but he would not budge. He saw the nurses and healers running a lot of tests on his guardian.

Benjamin Alden, the lead auror, had been with Harry since Severus got admitted into hospital.

'Sir, I'm not trying to be rude but why are you here?' Harry furrowed his brows at him.

'Oh. I am deeply sorry if this has caused you any distress. I can leave if you want.'

'No, no, I'm not trying to force you to leave. I just want to know why you are staying with me.'

'I want to talk with your dad when he wakes up, which I hope is soon. I have something of great importance I have to tell him and this is the right moment.'

Before Harry could futher question him, a healer came in. 

'Hello, young man, Auror Alden. We did some tests on the patient, Severus Snape. I have to say, in my 30 years working here, I've never seen a person with such an ability as Mr. Snape has. It was quite a shock to us all.' he added, 'But first, are you close friends or relatives with Severus?' he asked Harry. As Ben was an Auror, he was legally allowed to be there.

'Mhm, I'm his ward and he's my guardian.'

'What is your name?'

'I'm Harry. Harry Potter.'

Right after he said that, the healer glanced up at Harry's forehead for the briefest of moments, 'I see. Well, I've got some news that might surprise you, Harry. Might want to sit down.'

'Okay?' and he sat on the comfortable armchair next to Severus's bed, 'What's going on? Is something wrong? Is he not going to wake up?'

'No, no, we have expected Mr. Snape to wake up in about several days now.'

'That's great!' Harry grinned brightly, 'But then, what's the shocking news you were going to deliver?'

'Harry. Mr. Snape is part of the Prince bloodline, would you have known that?'


'Did you know that the Princes produce male bearers.'

Harry could feel the direction this was going, 'You-you don't mean...what I think you mean right?'

'That depends, what do you think I mean?'

'Is Dad pregnant?'

Ben who had been drinking a gulp of water, practically sprayed it out when he heard Harry. He coughed, 'Sorry. I'm going to clean that up.' he saw the mess he made on the floor and summoned a mop. 'Is it true though?'

'Yes. It is. Mr. Snape is pregnant.'

'What the fuck.' Harry breathed out, 'Are you sure?'

'We have ran numerous tests. We are one hundred percent sure, Harry.'

'Holy shit.'

'I would recommend you stop saying all the curse words you know.'

'I just can't express what I'm feeling right now except utter shock.'

'We advise Mr. Snape to go to a mind healer after he fully recovers.'

'I really really really want to go over to that bloody house and torture that putrid man until he begs for the mercy of death.'

'Do not worry. We have captured him and he is now going to face trial in court. I think he will be in the psychiatric ward until the trial which Mr. Snape has to attend. He would most probably be sent to Azkaban.'

'Is that like a jail or something?'

'Yes, it is the most heavily guarded prison in all of Wizarding Britain. There are creatures called Dementors that suck the criminal's souls out.'

'Sounds like the place Burke should be in.'

'I agree.' Ben who was still busy with the mopping said.

'Hermione, my friend, she told me that male pregnancies take a really long time. How long would Dad be pregnant for?'

'Based on his age, probably five years.'

'Merlin's balls. That's a bloody long time.' Ben commented.

'I would have graduated Hogwarts by then. Wait, wouldn't the baby be five when Dad gives birth?'

'No, male bearers have their own ways and their magic keeps the baby a baby when it reaches fully development in the womb.'

'So I'm going to have a sibling in five years. That's a lot to take in.'

'I'll give you some time.' and the healer left.

'Do you know how to be a good big brother?' after a few moments of silence Harry asked Ben.

'I had a big brother. He was very nice to me, but suddenly when he grew up, he became a new person. He no longer put his family first which included me and when he went to Hogwarts, he formed his own little group and completely ignored me. 

I was always the slimy Slytherin to him. He was a Gryffindor just like you. He was prejudiced against Slytherin as you might have noticed and often sought to pick on my housemates. Always thought that Slytherins were dark and up to no good and to him, all of us were going to be Death Eaters.' he rattled on, 

'Anyways, I want you to know that when you have your sibling, based on my own experience, you would need to care for them, to set them in the right direction and to never abandon them. And remember, only when you need to, should you interfere with their lives. You need to have empathy and try to think in their shoes to understand their situations better. That's all the qualities you need to be a good big brother.'

'Thank you for the advice, I will make sure I follow them. If you don't mind me asking, why did you say 'had' when you were talking about you brother?'

'He got disowned by my mother unfortunately, because he was a traitor to her. Even if he picked on my housemates, I still feel like it's a bit unfair for her to do that.'

'That's a shame.'

'It is.'

Harry continued to stay by Severus and occasionally the Weasleys or Ben would pop in.

Three days later, Severus woke up, the first thing he saw was Ben. 


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