Chapter 20

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Author's note:

In this fic, Dobby will not appear to prevent Harry from going to Hogwarts but he will eventually be in the story.


The following day, Harry and Severus arrived at King's Cross Station and Harry looked around to find Ron and Hermione. He immediately spotted Hermione in the mess of the parents and students and went over to the brunette with Severus trailing behind him like a watchful eagle. 

'Hiya Hermione, Mr. and Mrs. Granger.'

'Good morning, dear.' Mrs. Granger greeted.

'Hello, Harry. Do you know where Ron is?' 

'Nah, but I'm sure that we will see him soon enough.'

Hermione nodded in agreement. 

As if on cue, a bunch of gingers went through the wall. Harry and Hermione slipped through the crowd of people to see Ron. 

'Hey, mate!' yelled Ron and dove in to hug Harry.

'Hi, Hermione. Nice to see you.' he awkwardly gave her a hug and Hermione patted him on the back with same kind of awkwardness. 

'Come on, let's board the train before everyone else takes the compartments.' Harry pulled Ron and Hermione onto the train after saying, 'See you later, Dad.' to Severus. 

Severus gave him a wave. 

'Bye, Mum, bye, Dad. See you at Christmas,' Hermione said while being dragged by Harry.

'Same to you, Mum and Dad. I promise I'll write.' Ron told his parents. Molly and Arthur chuckled at the children. 

They both went on the train and after a while, found an empty compartment and waved to their parents. 

They settled down and began to chat comically.

Severus set off to the front of the train and chose the very first compartment, he then, took out the notebook Regulus gave him.

Regulus, I'm in the first compartment of the train. Come quick, the train's about to leave.


After a minute, the notebook vibrated to signal a reply. 


Okay, I'm walking over to the compartment.


Regulus was trotting down the corridor of the train when he heard two Ravenclaw fourth years gossiping with each other. 

'Hey, Kailey did you read in the Daily Prophet, that that greasy git, Snape, got knocked up?'

'Wait, really? He's a man though. Abigail, that's obviously a hoax.'

'No, it's true, Rita Skeeter wrote all about it. I can promise you that we will see Snape the dungeon bat displaying symptoms of pregnancy.'

'Come on, who trusts Skeeter?'

'You're obviously still not over that crush you had on him.'

'So what, he's handsome and smart. What's not to like?'

'Don't you remember how horrible he treated us?'

'But he's changed.'

'There's no arguing with you.' 

'This conversation ends here.'

'Well, he's still a greasy bat on the inside and also a suspected homosexual. Eww.'

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