Chapter 32

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Half an hour before that, Summer Addison went to visit Severus Snape with a flask of soup in her hands.

She knocked on the door three times, 'It's Summer, Severus.' 

A sick-looking man with puffy red eyes and greasy black hair opened the door.

'Come in.' Severus made way for her.

Summer went in and closed the door behind her as Severus went to the kitchen, 'Sit.' he gestured to his couch, 'Would you like tea, Summer?'

'Uh, sure.' she said, taking a seat, a bit stunned by how the normally invulnerable Snape looked so—vulnerable.

Severus filled the kettle with water,  turned on the fire, and put the kettle on the fire with shaky hands.

'Are you okay, Severus? Do you need to go to the hospital wing?' Summer asked with concern laced in her eyes.

'I'm a bit under the weather but I'll be fine. What brings you here today?' he walked over to the sofa, sat down next to Summer.

'I heard from Dumbledore and Minerva that you were sick and brought you some soup.' she handed him with a flask.

'Thank you, that's very considerate.'

She flashed him a smile, 'It's my grandma's recipe, she said it cures everything.'

Severus returned her smile.

Another knock came at the door, Summer got up, 'I'll get it.' 

She opened the door and saw Regulus.

'What are you doing here?' Regulus questioned, looking behind her to see Severus sitting on his couch.

'Came to see how Severus was doing.' Summer told him cheerfully.

Regulus didn't know why but he didn't like Summer. She was all the good things Severus liked about his past love — Lily Potter née Evans. He felt threatened by her presence, though he planned to think about that later. 

'May I come in?'

Severus nodded and the kettle rang and went to the kitchen to make tea for three.

Regulus dropped onto the sofa and said to Summer in a low voice so Severus couldn't hear, 'You here to suck up to Severus, right?' 

'What do you mean? I heard that he was sick and bought him some soup for him to get well soon.' 

Regulus snickered, 'As if. What's your motive, Addison? You want to date him?'

'Professor Benjamin Alden, I don't know what I've done for you to hold such a hostile attitude. If you want to know my motive, it's I wanted to help my friend, okay?' Summer was annoyed with Regulus, she had no idea why Regulus was so unkind towards her.

Before Regulus could respond, the heard the sound of glass hitting the floor, breaking on impact, and a thud from the kitchen. 

They sprang to the kitchen and saw Severus lying on the floor with broken glass everywhere. Regulus hurried next to Severus and kneeled next to him, 'Sev, are you okay?!' 

No answer. Summer immediately said,

'Hospital Wing, now!'

Regulus picked up the taller man in his arms and sped walked to the Hospital Wing,

'Help!' Summer yelled.

They didn't see Madame Pomfrey anywhere, though they did see two kids seeming to force Lockhart to drink something and one kid eating BLTs. 

'What the-' Regulus mouthed.

Harry saw the figure in Regulus' arms, 'Dad?' 

Summer looked around nervously, 'I'm going to the great hall to find Madame Pomfrey, lay him on the bed.' 

Regulus did what he was told and gently put Severus on the bed, taking out the glass shards in Severus' hair. 

'What happened?' Harry was close to tears, 'Why is he always hurt?' 

Regulus didn't respond.

Hermione and Ron didn't know what to do. A sleeping Lockhart was on the bed and a spilled vial of the potion was on the floor. Were they to continue feeding Lockhart the potion or wait for a better timing. They decided against it and just sat in one of the chairs, looking at their DADA professor.

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