Chapter 13

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Diagon Ally 9:00 a.m.

'Harry, follow me closely or you will get lost.' Severus said as he pushed through the crowd of people on the street.

They entered an optical shop. An old man came to greet them.

'Hello. What may I help you with today?'

'Hi, Donald, I am getting Harry a pair of new glasses.'

'Severus? Is that you? Dear boy, you look different, guess the Daily Prophet wasn't bluffing for once.'

'Yes, it is me. I was hoping the Prophet would not pick up on that. It is truly ridiculous how there are many more other things they could write as a headline, but no, of course they write about that.' 

'Skeeter has always been a little gossip, went school with her you know. She was the most annoying person I met, that woman. Now, let's get this young man a suitable pair of specs, shall we.' he directed Severus and Harry to a chair and told Harry to lay there while he did some spells around Harry's eyes.

'Done. That was quick and easy, wasn't it. You can go pick out a frame now.' Donald said, pointing to a big shelf. 

Harry took a while to figure out which one he liked and eventually he picked out a golden frame.

'This is nice.' he checked the price tag. 'Oh, yeah, I need to take money out of my vault.' 

'Harry, don't worry about the money, I am your guardian, it is my duty to pay for your necessities.'


'No buts. I'll buy it,' 

'Thanks, Dad.'

After paying for the frame, they were told that the glasses would be sent by owl a week later. They went to buy some new school supplies for Harry and was headed to have lunch.

'Dad, can we go to The Three Broomsticks.'


They went there and the waiter looked at Severus weirdly. After he left, Harry whispered in Severus's ear, 'What's his problem?' 

Severus shrugs.

The waited bought the food out with a wicked grin on his face. Harry thought that it was a bit unsettling but quickly ignored it and ate his pancake and pumpkin juice while Severus ate some spaghetti with coffee. 


When they finished their meal, Harry spotted Ron with his family and waved. 'Hey, Ron!'

'Harry!' Ron turned his head and looked at him. He walked towards him with the rest of his family behind. 

'Are you out buying school stuff too?' 


'We're headed to the bookshop to buy our new textbooks, want to come with?'

'Can I, Dad?'

'Sure.' he then turned to Molly and added, 'Mrs. Weasley. I need to go to Knockturn to buy some potion ingredients, would you mind taking care of Harry for a while.'

'No problem, Severus.'

'Harry, you behave yourself and I will be back to pick you up at 2:00 p.m.'

'Kay.' and Harry rushed to join the Weasleys, Ron, Fred and George introduced him to their family.

Severus walked to Knockturn Ally and was met with the sight of beggars and people screaming and even saw some people passed out. 

Suddenly, he felt a surge of dizziness and leaned against the wall for support. He fell onto the ground with thud. He was pulled into a dark ally by someone and they apparated. 

When he woke up again, he saw someone in a mask and he was tied to a chair with string, he saw that his wand was gone and he tried to use wandless magic which he perfected by could not do anything. 

'Hello, Severus Snape.' the person behind the mask said.

'Who are you and where am I?!' 

'Wouldn't you like to know that. Some people might think that you are this good guy, but in fact you are just a slimy, greasy, disguising death eater git.' he spat in Severus's face.

'Let me go this instant!'

'Or what? Are you going to run to your Mommy?'

'I am warning you. There will be heavy consequences for kidnapping.'

'Oh, I'm so scared.' the person said in a mocking voice. 'You were the one that killed countless people and even children, and no one does anything about that. Now, let me teach you a lesson.' he pulled out a knife and started to cut Severus's arm. He was usually very tolerant to pain but he knew that this was a cursed knife, he internally screamed.

The man carved three words onto his arm 'filthy death eater'. Then, he casted multipole curses on Severus and even used Crucio. 

He couldn't hold it in anymore and found himself screaming out loud. He had been tortured by Voldemort countless time before but none of them were as painful. He did not back down though. The man conjured up a belt and started hitting him on the back.

Harry was waiting in the bookstore with Molly for his dad to come. 

'Mrs. Weasley, how long has it been.' he asked, worried about Severus's safety.

'It's been an hour, dear. I am sure that he will be here soon.'

'What if he's hurt. I read from some books that Knockturn Ally is a dangerous place.'

'I'm sure he is fine, Harry. But if you want I will send him a Patronus.' It came back and the message was not delivered.

'See, he's in danger.' 

'Severus is a strong wizard with a lot of skill in dueling, I am sure that he is fine. How about this, we can go for some ice cream with Ron and Ginny.'

Harry nodded but he knew deep inside that something was not right.

Indeed as he thought when it was 19:00, Severus still did not show. Harry thought that he was going to cry as he realized it was getting really late.

The Weasleys now believed that something went wrong in Knockturn and took Harry to their home and tried and tried to reach Severus, but to no avail. They contacted some Aurors and they started searching for Severus. At the end of the day, they did not find him. Harry really started to cry out loud and Ron, Ginny, Fred and George desperately tried to calm him down.  

Ron hugged him while Ginny slowed patted his back and the twins were showing him some of their produces for pranking people. He could not get any sort of sleep that night, of course. 

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