Chapter 21: Truth (Part 1)

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(In the Underworld, Daigo is seen solely investigating about Tokuhiko's past, and found something tragic about him.)

Daigo: What's this?

(He realizes that before meeting Makoto, Tokuhiko was hated by his own father, bullied by some jocks and rejected by his former crush.)

Daigo: Poor boy... he suffered so much...

(Then he sees the pictures of the times Makoto and Tokuhiko spent together before Shalba Beelzebub came into the picture.)

Daigo: Such a wonderful friendship ruined by that devilish bastard.

(Suddenly he overhears a conversation between Shalba and a mysterious figure.)

????: I warned you that disgrace of a son wasn't fit to be part of our plan.

Shalba: (looks down) Yes... and I regret not having listened to you, master...

????: You better. You don't know how much his defeats cost to us!

Shalba: Don't worry, my lord. I already sent Katerea to dispose of him.

????: Good.

Shalba: And even if she fails, I have a reserve plan.

????: (confused) Reserve plan?

Shalba: Have Creuserey lead Kiva back here in the Underworld while I kill Saga myself!

????: (smirks) Excellent! With both my pathetic son and his so-called friend out of the way, the world will be OURS!

(They laugh maniacally as Daigo realizes that Tokuhiko is in danger and tries to call the group, but suddenly Katerea shows up.)

Katerea: My, look at you. Didn't your mother teach you it's not polite to hear other people's conversations?

Daigo: (stern) I know your plan. And I'll stop you, no matter what!


Daigo: Henshin!


(Daigo becomes Kamen Rider Ixa, and Katerea charges at him, but Ixa blocks her attacks and counters before punching her.)

Ixa: (pulls out a fuestle) In the name of the Shirosagi family's Bloodline of Supernatural Hunters... I will execute you to bring peace to the world!


(Then Ixa changes to his Cleric Form.)

Ixa: Katerea Leviathan! Please return that life to God!

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Ixa: Katerea Leviathan! Please return that life to God!

(Ixa then grabs Katerea in the collar.)

Katerea: (groans) You can't win... even if I fail... Tokuhiko will have been already dead...

Ixa: These are supposed to be your last words?

(Katerea's eyes widen as she realizes he is actually planning to kill her.)


Ixa: So be it!

(Ixa throws Katerea up as she screams in desperation, and as she falls, he punches through her chest, and she explodes.)

Ixa: Thank you... Xenovia... Irina... (realizes) I gotta warn the others!

(Ixa then leaves the Underworld, and one hour later, he goes to Makoto's house.)

Makoto: Daigo? What's up?

Daigo: Gather the Occult Research Club.

(Suddenly they are teleported to the Occult Research Club, where Vali prepares to explain everything.)

(Meanwhile Tokuhiko is seen having some kind of headache as some voices echo through his head.)

You are a disgrace to my family! I wish I could never give birth to you!

Tokuhiko: Ugh... no...

Someone as worthless as you are isn't fit to be a king!

Tokuhiko: No...

Get your hands off me! I refuse to date someone like you!

Tokuhiko: NO!

How pathetic. No wonder your father hates you!

Tokuhiko: NOOOOO!

(Tokuhiko breathes heavily as Kuroka tries to comfort him.)

Kuroka: Are you alright?

Tokuhiko: No... I'm definitely... NOT ALRIGHT!

????: Then allow me to end your suffering!

(Kuroka turns to see Shalba Beelzebub.)

Kuroka: (glares) You...

(To be continued)

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