Chapter 1 : A new world

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It was a sunny summer day, I was like any other day, walking my lovely dog Looki, a middle size white and black hunting dog with wavy dark hair on his ears. He was as exited as I was during his walk. At one moment, I received a message on my phone. I looked at it while I continued to walk, and started to smile, it was my friends on the message group :


Angel :'Hey guys ! Are you interested to go to the beach next week ?^^

Inès : ' I'm in ! 😊 '

Chloe : 'Me too!'

Lucy : 'Count me in!'

Damien : 'Cool for me ! 😀 '

Me : ' I will join too ! 😊'

Angel : 'okay guys so we wil see together next week at the train station, ok for u all ?'

All of us answered: 'yes ! 😊'


Happy of this news you began to hum while looking more happily than ever, you put your hearphones, listening to your favourite music in the way back to your home, not far from the street you were. But at a moment, your dog started to go suddendly on the road while chasing a lizard like he has the habit, dragging you along with him on the road because of the leash "shit Looki no! Leave the lezard alone ! Come on ! Les't return !"you say at a raised tone while you tried to return where you were before, still with Looki purchasing the lizard at the opposite side of you. At this moment, you heard a screching noise from a car, you then looked up to see a car coming at you, trying to stop, but it was too late, he was already at some centimeters of you when you started to look up.

"BAM !"


'Ah...was I hit by the car ?' you thought while you looked at the car that finally stopped , the driver panicked and shocked in the front seat with his phone at the ear, horrified by what he had done.

You were surrounded by a pool of blood and started to feel extreme pain everywhere on your body, you couldn't move an inch, and started to feel sleepy.

'Wait, is Looki safe ?' You then started with your remaining force to look up so that you can see if he were safe.

You then started crying : ''

Looki was lying on the ground like you surrounded by blood.

' A nightmare... it's a nightmare... it can't be true... I was so looking forward to next week... '

You continued to cry, flowing with tears 'My family... My friends....I'm sorry.. I didn't want to die before you all...' You then started to feel more and more sleepy and started to close your eyes while you were regreting dying so soon without enjoying some more of your life.


Third person pov

As (Y/N)'s eyes closed, the driver, previously in panic, was now calm, wearing a triumphant smile over his face. He stepped out of the car, and began to walk toward the corpse. He examinated it to verify if there was a pulse, and talked to his phone that was still to his ears.

"It's done."


Until I saw you [Reader x Dazai x Bungou Stray DogsWhere stories live. Discover now