Chapter 13 : Reports and memories

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Third person pov

A dimly lit room was adorned with opulent furnishings that contrasted sharply with its occupant's chaotic disposition. Seated behind an intricately carved desk, was a man of enigmatic allure, sharp features, and piercing gray eyes, his fingers drumming impatiently.

The door to the room swung open, and in strode Monty, his tattered coat billowing behind him. His face held the same manic grin that had sent shivers down the spines of many, but it was not without traces of exhaustion. He approached the desk with a swagger that matched his confidence.

"Ah, Monty, do come in," the man purred, his voice like honey laced with venom. "I trust you have news for me."

Monty's grin grew wider, revealing a row of unnervingly sharp teeth. "Oh, doc, you're gonna love this one. I've got some juicy tidbits for your collection."

He reached into his coat, producing a small, ornate notebook. It seemed out of place in his grubby hands, but its contents were anything but ordinary. Monty placed it on the man's desk, and with a theatrical flourish, he opened it to a page filled with meticulous notes and scribbles.

"Let's start with our charming protagonist," Monty began, his voice dripping with mock admiration. "Our dear (Y/N) has been quite the busy bee in Yokohama. Summoning creatures left and right, making friends with those infamous detectives, and even giving my dear Faridra and me a run for our money."

The man leaned forward, his eyes fixed on the notebook. "Go on."

Monty's finger traced a line of text as he continued. "And then there's this." He reached into his coat once more, this time retrieving pictures of (Y/N) and put them on the desk in front of the man. "As you can see, she has the ability you were searching for, as you predicted." The pictures showed moments of (Y/N) investigating the murders and her using her abilities in her battle against Monty with also picture of her summons.

"And like you ordered, we made the murders according to your plan. I also tested and gave her the object you wanted me to gift."

The doctor's fingers twitched with eagerness. "The locket. The key to unlocking it all. All went according to plan. Excellent work, Monty."

Monty's grin remained intact as he closed the notebook and leaned in closer to the man. "But, doc, here's the kicker. Our protagonist, she's got a power I didn't see coming. She gave off the same aura as us. You know, like when we obtained those objects."

The man responded with a wicked smile that could give anyone chills. Monty, his grin still in place, grabbed and showed one of the photos hidden beneath the others on the desk. "However, there was something I couldn't quite understand. I don't know how she could do it, but she managed to make the power contained in the locket disappear."

The doctor's eyes narrowed, and for a moment, the room seemed to grow darker. "Absorb its power? You're certain?"

Monty nodded, his expression almost manic in its excitement. "I saw it with my own eyes, doc. She absorbed the power from this locket like it was a snack. And she's not done. She's got something else brewing inside her."

At Monty's words, the man's gray eyes glowed with interest. "This is really her..." then, he began to let out a little laugh, making Monty's grin falter for a moment. "She is really her, finally, I managed to find you again, my dear subject A-237. My efforts to make you come back here weren't for nothing. Now, my plan will finally be able to work. I just need to catch her and all my preparations will be completed."

Monty leaned in closer, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "But doc, how did you predict she would show up in Yokohama with the murder plan? Why specifically her?"

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