Chapter 17: Confrontation

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"Too bad you're already leaving us.
Because once you enter, leaving is not as simple as it seems."

Your heart skipped a beat as the man's sinister words echoed in the night. Fear gripped you, and you turned quickly toward him, his figure illuminated by the dim lights of the amusement park. A horrible smile contorted his face as he began to peel off his disguise, revealing a new, menacing visage. The previous man was now a woman with long, flowing black hair, piercing blue eyes, and a sharp, confident demeanor. She was dressed in a fashionable suit with a big grand black coat that gave her an air of sophistication and elegance.

"My name is Evelynn Blackwood," she declared, her voice low and dangerous. The name hung in the air, lost in the wind, but her tone sent chills down your spine. "And let me announce, dear (Y/N), that by the order of our boss, you will have to come with us."

Panic surged within you as men emerged from the shadows, their menacing silhouettes closing in around you and Dazai. The world seemed to shrink, the cheerful atmosphere of the amusement park now a distant memory, replaced by an overwhelming sense of danger. You knew, from the familiar feeling too well that the sinister woman in front of you had in her possession one of the five objects, the power seemed to come from her coat. You felt you had to tell this information to Dazai, you then whispered in a low voice to him. "Dazai, I-"

You were cut off by his response, as if he knew already what you had to say and whispered back to you. "I know, she has one of those objects, right? Listen well (Y/N), above all, you must stay near me as much as possible no matter what. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course, but!-"

You were again cut off by Dazai, ever calm despite the pressure, stepping slightly in front of you, his eyes sharp and alert. Despite the dire situation, his voice remained steady. "I suggest you let us go. You don't want to underestimate the Armed Detective Agency."

Evelynn let out a chilling laugh, her comrades mirroring her sinister amusement. "Oh, we're well aware of your little agency. But our boss has plans for (Y/N), and we won't let anyone interfere."

A tense standoff ensued, the air crackling with tension as you and Dazai stood back-to-back, surrounded by shadowy figures.

Feeling the danger, you knew you had to finish this quickly. Without losing time, you activated your ability, summoning Jumper in front of you and Aurelion above you, the two of them ready for battle. The figures rushed quickly toward you as your creatures were summoned. Aurelion, in response to their attack, whipped the air with his tail, creating a gust of wind that forced the figures to step back. Jumper rushed with agility toward each of them, his claws ready to strike, as you and Dazai fought nearby. However, as you and your creatures reached the figures, you could only go through them, as if they were not real.

Evelynn's voice cut through the chaos in a mocking tone, catching your attention. "How is it, dear customers? Are my puppets to your taste? Such a shame you can't touch or harm any of them."

Seeing an opportunity to attack, Aurelion rushed toward Evelynn, his jaws open to bite her. However, as he neared her, Evelynn sneered. "But let me inform you that while you can't attack them, they can." She raised her dark coat into the air, letting a purple aura surround her. With a snap of her fingers, the shadow figures became more fierce, and a shield formed around her that Aurelion couldn't avoid due to his speed. He collided with it, letting out a roar of pain as he was pushed back and forced to retreat to your side.

But another voice could be heard, "Don't forget about me!", wich stopped Aurelion in his tracks as he hit the ground hard, raising a cloud of dust. 

As the dust settled, you saw that Aurelion managed to get back on his feet and was now locked in combat against a man with fiery red hair and eyes. He was well-built and fought barehanded against Aurelion. You noticed the same tattoo on his wrist that you had seen at the beginning when you entered the park. Moreover, a red aura surrounded him, indicating that he, too, possessed one of the five objects—the energy emanating from his necklace in the form of a flame around his neck.

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