Chapter 3 : Pursuit and Discovery

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(Y/N) pov

In the stillness of the night, you found yourself in a place where time seemed suspended, a disorienting blend of reality and your deepest fears. The surroundings were a murky haze, shrouded in a surreal mist that distorted shapes and sounds around you.

A sense of foreboding washed over you as you walked through the dense fog, your footsteps echoing eerily with each step. You felt small and vulnerable, like a lost soul wandering through the labyrinth of your own mind.

As you ventured further, the muffled cries and distant voices grew louder, drawing you toward an unsettling source. The fog began to thin, revealing a cold, sterile corridor. Harsh fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting eerie shadows that danced along the pale walls.

The long corridor led you to a heavy, steel door, its surface marred by countless scratches and dents, evidence of futile attempts at escape. Trembling, you pushed the door open, revealing a dimly lit room filled with ominous machines and scientific instruments.

In the center of the room, a medical table stood like a grotesque altar. Straps attached a trembling little girl, immobilized, bound in a sterile white gown. As you approached her to see more clearly, shock struck you. The little girl on the table was the same as the one you dreamed of back then, and there was another thing. She was the spitting image of you. Then, memories of pain, fear, and helplessness surged within you, threatening to overwhelm your senses. All seemed to scream to you that the little girl was, in fact, you. But you couldn't believe it. How could it be possible? You didn't remember having a memory of that, but this dream was like telling you the contrary.

Surrounding her were shadowy figures, their faces obscured, their hushed conversations indecipherable. Panic surged as a sharp pain radiated from your arm, but as you looked at it, there was nothing. However, as you looked up, you saw a needle piercing the skin of the girl.

And then, a figure emerged from the shadows—a scientist in a white lab coat, face obscured by the darkness. You could only see the glint of their eyes, cold and devoid of empathy. They approached the table, their gloved hands reaching out, and in a certain sense, you knew what was coming. You tried to reach in panic for the scientist's hands to stop him, but all you could do was pass through him, only able to observe the scene occurring in front of you.

As you screamed toward him to stop, it didn't seem to reach him, as he approached the little girl.

"No, please," she pleaded, her voice choked with terror. "I can't go through this again."

The scientist leaned in closer, a smile on his face, their voice dripping with indifference. "You seem to be a valuable subject, my dear. So today, we'll unlock the secrets of your power, no matter the cost."

You continued to scream toward them as you saw the scientists beginning their work, oblivious to your silent pleas. Tubes and wires connected the girl to machines that blinked and beeped in a discordant symphony of suffering. You could feel your strength draining away, your consciousness fading like a dying ember.

And then, with a jolt, you awoke, drenched in cold sweat, your heart pounding in your chest. You gasped for breath, grateful that it was just a dream. You looked around you and saw it was still night. You took a big breath, calming yourself, and headed toward the kitchen to take a cup of water.

'This dream... it seemed so real... was it really me? But, it couldn't be, could it?' 

You shook your head, trying to dispel the lingering sense of dread from the nightmare. It had felt far too real, as if you had been transported back to a time you'd rather forget.

Until I saw you [Reader x Dazai x Bungou Stray DogsWhere stories live. Discover now