Chapter 12 : Help and mystery

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You knew Monty was right, time wasn't on your side, and you with Aurelion, were beginning to struggle against your ennemies. Your heart was beating so fast from the adrenaline of the fight and the fear against Monty, that you were begining to panic about how you could get out of this situation.

You weren't a good fighter like Atsushi, didn't have ideals like Kunikida, nor had the confidence and intelligence of Dazai or Monty's craziness and Mori's cruelty. You were just a lambda person, summoned in this world just to help it. 

Was it unfair for you? You didn't know. You wanted to see again the ones you loved, hug them and enjoy their presence, instead of fighting against a crazy lunatic murderer and his organisation. But you also desired to find a meaning in your life, and your arrival here gave you one. You were happy about that, however you hadn't anticipated you would be so alone and that it would be the most scary part of it all.

As you were thinking, you were taken by surprise by one of Monty's attack, his blade heading toward your heart. It was too late to dodge or do anything, all you could do was shut your eyes close waiting for the hit.

Then, in an inexplicable turn of events, you didn't feel anyting. You opened your eyes and saw the movements of Monty slowing until all motion around you, including those of Aurelion and Faridra, came to a complete standstill. The timer froze, and your surroundings shifted to grayscale, as if time itself had been arrested. A voice called out to you.

"User (Y/N), you need to calm yourself."

Raising your head, you spotted a white figure floating in the air.

"Elyndor? Is that you?" you asked in astonishment.

"Yes, in the flesh," Elyndor replied as she descended gracefully to the ground.

"Did you cause this?" you inquired, bewildered.

Elyndor spread her arms. "Can you think of anyone else who could?"

"Maybe Oda, but he's not alive anymore."

Elyndor paused and nodded. "Fair point. But let's return to our conversation." She approached you, her female form now evident, dressed in flowing white attire. "I wanted to let you know that I can communicate with you in this manner now. I thought it might be more convenient for both of us, and-"

You cut her off. "Wait, you're a girl?"

Elyndor sighed. "Yes, I took on the appearance of someone you considered a friend to make our conversations less shocking and more comfortable. Any other questions?"

"You can talk normally now?"

"Thanks to a recent update, I can communicate in a manner that you might consider 'normal.'"

"Wow, that's... quite surprising, hearing you speak like this."

"Yes, it's liberating to be able to express myself more fully. Now, can we focus on what I have to say?"

"Sure, but you chose quite the moment to appear."

"I assure you, it's the right time. Your patience was running thin, and your control over your ability was slipping. You made yourself vulnerable to danger."

"I'm not that impulsive!"

Elyndor retorted, "Oh, but you are! You responded to every provocation Monty threw at you. And if I hadn't interrupted, you would have your hear pierced by a sword. Really, you couldn't have been more reckless."

"Fine, fine! I get it. You can stop nagging. You're not my-"

"Mother? I know, but I'm a part of your ability, and it's my role to oversee your usage of it. Otherwise, you might have ended up dead from overexertion. Remember the last time when you summoned four raptors in a row, and then continued summoning multiple creatures in a single day? You were lucky to only suffer exhaustion and a headache. Any more, and you could have really-"

Until I saw you [Reader x Dazai x Bungou Stray DogsWhere stories live. Discover now