Chapter 15 : Meeting and recovery

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Third person pov

"So, Dazai, why did you call us here?" Ranpo asked nonchalantly while munching on a bag of chips, leaning back in his chair. "If you've gathered us here, it means (Y/N) told you something about the case, right?"

Dazai, standing beside the board, responded in a serious tone, "That's correct. I'll get straight to the point. As you all already know what happened to (Y/N) and me last night, (Y/N) fainted after absorbing the power from the locket, and when she woke up, she claimed to remember a part of her past memory, something we weren't aware of before."

Ranpo raised an eyebrow. "So, what did she remember?"

Dazai continued, his expression grave, "She said she had undergone what appeared to be an ability experiment, and it wasn't a pleasant memory."

"You're saying she went through experiments before? The same energetic girl who loves sweets?" Ranpo's tone shifted, showing genuine concern.

"Unfortunately, yes," Dazai confirmed, his gaze somber. "Furthermore, she mentioned that she had a former healing ability, but after the experiments, a new ability awakened in her—the one we're familiar with—the ability to summon beings from nowhere."

"Wow," Ranpo remarked.

"But there's more, right?" Kyoka asked.

Dazai nodded. "Yes, there is. She claimed that the person responsible for making her awaken her ability and experimenting on her was a man named Doctor Harrison Ashcroft. This man also specifically referred to her as 'the chosen one' of a prophecy."

"Doctor Harrison? I've never heard of him," Kenji chimed in.

"Same here," Yosano agreed.

Atsuhi frowned. "But why mention (Y/N)-san as 'the chosen one'? And what prophecy does he refer to?"

"That is also what I'm wondering," Dazai replied. "However, Monty also mentioned (Y/N) as 'the chosen one,' so it seems like she might be connected to that prophecy. We will need to do our research on that. Maybe it could lead us to something."

As the others listened attentively, Dazai continued, his voice steady. "There's also something else. Monty added that all that had happened, including the murders of the past 3 days, was orchestrated by his boss and that he didn't do it alone."

"So we are facing an organization," Tanizaki stated.

"It seems so," Ranpo added.

"And what about the locket?" Kunikida asked, his eyes narrowing in thought.

Dazai pulled out of his pocket the locket mentioned. "This? It is no longer dangerous. (Y/N) absorbed all its power. But despite that, we will have to find out the source of the locket. I observed it, and there was a strange symbol on it, certainly from the organization Monty is part of." He then showed the back of the locket, revealing a unique design: angel wings with feathers that transformed into dagger-like blades, representing the duality of the holy symbol.

"So, you mean that if we search for the symbol..." Atsushi trailed off, his eyes fixed on the locket.

"We will find the location of the organisation that is after (Y/N)." Dazai confirmed, his voice laced with determination.

Fukuzawa, who had been observing the conversation in silence, stood up from his seat. "Listen, everyone! Some people are trying to take on our new recruit, and this is unacceptable. So, you have four objectives: Find the source of the locket, gather more information about the organization along with this Dr. Harrison, uncover their objectives, and finally, find more clues about this prophecy referring to (Y/N) as 'the chosen one'. We mustn't let them take (Y/N) and use her for their own gain."

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