Chapter 11 : The test

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Dazai's guarded expression remained unyielding as he questioned, "What's your business here, Monty?"

Monty's grin didn't waver as he spread his arms wide, embracing the scene as if it were a grand spectacle. "Oh, just a bit of fun, my dear friends! A front-row seat to the grand tapestry of life and death."

End of the recap.


(Y/N) pov

Dazai's tone remained composed, veiling his calculation. "You killed the victims who we found drowned, and the others were disposed of by your accomplices?"

Monty's grin remained, but his eyes gleamed with a new intensity. "Oh, you catch on quickly! Yes, my dear detective, I am but a humble messenger. My friends, my colleagues, they carried out beautifully the tasks assigned to them."

Your mind whirred as you absorbed his words, the chilling implications settling in. Monty had orchestrated this macabre dance of death, each note played by someone else's hand. The realization added another layer of horror to the already twisted scenario.

"But how did you kill them?" you asked, your voice shaky but determined.

"Ah, that? You see, our boss gave to each of us a particular object with its unique power. Mine have the power to summon and control water." He then showed his cane and summoned little droplets of water, making you gasp a little.

The energy that were escaping his cane was strangly familiar, like the one you sensed when you were walking in the dark with Looki before arriving in this world. 'So it was that energy Elyndor talked about!'

Monty continued his explanation happily "As for the others, I think you already know the range of powers they possess. But no need to fret! There are even more powers amongst us!"

His revelation sent a shiver down your spine, the thought of you having to destroy each of their object with this sort of power and with such varied and deadly abilities unsettling to say the least.

Dazai's voice was as cold as steel. "And what's your grand motive for this grotesque display?"

Monty's grin softened slightly, a shadow of something more genuine crossing his features. "Ah, now that's where the plot thickens, my friends. You see, my task was to orchestrate these events in order to meet someone special." His gaze locked onto you, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling mixture of anticipation and mania.

Your heart quickened its pace, unease pooling within you. "Me?"

Monty's laughter, more subdued now, held an edge of madness. "Indeed, my dear, you. The grand finale of this little performance was always meant to be our meeting."

Dazai's voice was laced with skepticism. "And why go through such elaborate lengths?"

Monty's eyes seemed to dance with a twisted excitement, ignoring Dazai sentence. "Ah, but you see, my dear (Y/N), my boss has a particular interest in you. He wanted to send you a message and gift you something special, a token of his appreciation. And what better way to deliver them than through this intricate dance of death that only you could resolve?"

Dazai's voice turned icy. "What does your boss want with her?"

Monty's laughter echoed through the darkness, a haunting refrain. "Ah, detective, that's a question best left for my employer to answer. But rest assured, now the stage is set, and the game has just begun."

Your fist tightened and your mind was racing. Monty's words were an unsettling revelation - the murders, the flowers, it had all been a twisted path leading to this moment. His boss wanted to give you something, and the last flower, the man in front of you, was the missing piece, helding the message he wanted to convey to you.

Until I saw you [Reader x Dazai x Bungou Stray DogsWhere stories live. Discover now