Chapter 4 : An Unexpected Path

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(Y/N) pov

During your escape, you attempted to nullify Looki's summon who was still in front of you on Jumper. As your ability took effect, a soft glow enveloped Looki, causing him to gradually fade away until he disappeared completely. 

You let out a sigh, a mix of relief and resignation. "So it was true after all..."

"Ah, this dog," you muttered, shaking your head in exasperation. "What am I going to do with him?"

The memory of Looki's mischievous antics and his unexpected appearances brought a wry smile to your lips. Despite the problems he posed, whether in your previous life or even now, you couldn't help but always find a certain fondness for him.

Your heart raced as you continued your rooftop chase, Jumper carrying you effortlessly over the uneven terrain. The cityscape blurred around you, a testament to your agility and control. The distant echoes of Dazai and Atsushi's voices gradually faded into the background, the gap between you and your pursuers widening.

As you prepared for another jump, your gaze shifted to the horizon. A familiar rooftop loomed ahead, its architecture etched into your memory. You adjusted Jumper's trajectory slightly, ensuring a seamless landing. 

And there, on the rooftop you were about to alight on, stood someone you recognized immediately.


His posture was as disciplined as ever, his arms crossed and his gaze fixed intently on you. The glint of his glasses caught the light, accentuating his air of authority and precision. His presence on that rooftop turned it from a potential refuge into a battleground of emotions and possibilities.

Your heart raced, not only from the physical exertion but also from the surprise of this unexpected encounter. Kunikida's reputation as a meticulous planner and a strategic thinker preceded him, making his appearance all the more significant. The rooftop, which had once appeared as a sanctuary, now felt like a convergence point for paths that had been set in motion.

With a deep breath, you guided Jumper to touch down at a distance from Kunikida. As Jumper's paws made contact with the surface, you dismounted with grace, your gaze locked into Kunikida's form.

"Kunikida-san," you greeted, a mixture of surprise and respect in your voice. "I didn't anticipate meeting you here."

Kunikida's expression remained composed, his arms still crossed. "And yet, here you are," he replied, his tone carrying a hint of formality. "Evading me once was a feat, but it won't happen a second time."

You nodded, a blend of pride and caution in your demeanor. "I had a bit of assistance," you admitted, glancing briefly at Jumper, who stood by your side.

Kunikida's analytical mind seemed to be at work, processing the situation before him. "I see. Your ability is indeed remarkable."

As the wind tousled your hair and clothes, a voice chimed in from behind you.

"Impressive," the voice declared, drawing your attention.

Startled, you turned to find Dazai leaning casually against a chimney, a sly grin playing on his lips. Beside him stood Atsushi, a mixture of surprise and amusement on his features.

"You certainly have a flair for evasion," Dazai remarked, his tone laced with a hint of admiration.

Dazai, ever the enigmatic figure, offered a small smile that held a hint of amusement. "Running away seems like an interesting choice, (Y/N)-chan. But did you really think you could escape our reach so easily?" 

Until I saw you [Reader x Dazai x Bungou Stray DogsWhere stories live. Discover now