Chapter 21 : Frustration and comfort

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Third person pov

As Kunikida and Junichiro made their escape alongside Dazai and (Y/N), a cloaked figure lurking in the shadows of the nearby containers observed them. A wicked smirk stretched across their face as their gaze followed (Y/N), who was being pulled along by Dazai's hand.

"Found her..." they muttered viciously, their smirk widening with satisfaction at having located their target.

Their attention then shifted to the unconscious figure of Evelynn, being dragged away by the men of the Port Mafia while Chuuya talked to Mori, who emerged from a concealed corner.

The figure frowned, muttering to themselves, "Tsk, this incompetent woman. She can't even do her job properly. I facilitated her entry into their territory after her initial failure with Leon, whom I previously encouraged to assist her. Yet, she couldn't even succeed in her second attempt. Must I handle everything myself?"

Just as they were about to take action, their phone rang, and they swiftly answered in a calm and assuring tone, "Yes, boss?"

The voice on the other end was distorted, but the commanding tone behind it was unmistakable.

"Did she succeed?" the voice inquired coldly.

The misterious man sighed as he observed his surroundings to not be noticed, "Unfortunely, Evelynn failed twice. Additionaly, she seem to have lost her power just after your dear subject apeared from nowhere and rushed toward her before escaping with her friends."

The voice stayed silent for some seconds before ordering, "We don't have a need for a member without its power who moreover failed twice and could risk to expose us more than we already are. It's regrettable, but you know what needs to be done: Take care of her."

The unknown figure responded with confidence and deference, "Roger, boss. It will be taken care of before she even faces interrogation by the Port Mafia. But I'm worried how the others will react once they learn her death, she is after all one of the oldest members."

"Do you mean 'Crow'?" the anonymous voice asked.

The misterious man didn't reply.

The voice talked again, "You don't have to worry about him, he will get by it quickly. And you know excatly why."

"I know" the man replied, "Anyone who doesn't respect our code, meaning would put in danger our organization by giving out intel weither they want to or not, or not obeying orders or become unsable anymore have to be taken care of."

"You know our code well." the voice asserted.

"And what about your subject? I followed her by your order and found her escaping the Port Mafia. Since Evelynn failed with the second chance you gave her, should I do it instead?" they inquired, awaiting for further instruction.

"Leave her be for now, we can't risk to be exposed too soon since the preparations aren't finished. It's a shame we can't have her for now, but don't worry, I already ordered for our best agent to keep an eye on her while the others admins will move as well to prepare the plan. Once your task is done, I will tell you what you have to do later, so don't let my trust in you down like Evelynn did Butterfly."

With that, the voice ended the call.

The figure glanced at their phone for a moment before returning it to their pocket with a sigh as they felt the sea breeze on their face. "Shall I get to work then?"they murmured to themselves.

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