Chapter 16 : Surprise and odd feeling

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The sugary delight of the crepe still lingered on your lips as Dazai led you further into the bustling streets of Yokohama. The afternoon sun cast a golden glow over the pavement and the people, enhancing the sense of anticipation in the air. You couldn't help but feel a bubbling excitement, the promise of the unknown dancing in your eyes.

"So, Dazai, what's the surprise?" you asked, your voice filled with excitement, your curiosity piqued.

Dazai's eyes gleamed with mischief as he gestured toward a turning point of the street. "Well, (Y/N), prepare yourself, because we'll soon be there."

Before you could ask for more details, Dazai playfully covered your eyes with his hands. His touch was warm, sending a shiver down your spine. "Close your eyes," he instructed, his voice soft but filled with anticipation.

Obeying his request, you shut your eyes tightly, your heart racing in excitement. With Dazai guiding you, you felt safe, allowing yourself to be enveloped in the mystery of the moment.

The sounds of laughter from children, the mechanical whirring of rides, and the distant melodies of the street musicians surrounded you. Then, unexpectedly, Dazai's hands left your eyes. "Now, (Y/N), keep your eyes closed."

You heard his footsteps move away from you, then his voice again. "It's good now, (Y/N)! You can open your eyes!"

As your eyelids fluttered open, you were met with a breathtaking sight. Before you stood a grand Ferris wheel, its elegant structure reaching toward the sky. It was the same one you first saw when you arrived in this world. Along with it, there were attractions and stands all around you, people laughing and enjoying themselves.

"Woah! This is amazing, Dazai-san!" you exclaimed, your eyes wide with awe.

He grinned, his eyes softening with affection. "I thought you might like it. Shall we?"

He extended his hand toward you, which you eagerly took. You approached the ticket booth, where Dazai paid for your entries. As you received your tickets, you noticed a tattoo on the wrist of the man who handed them to you. It caught your eye—a pair of angel wings with feathers that transformed into dagger-like blades.

"Did you see his tattoo?" you asked Dazai excitedly. "It was so cool!"

Dazai looked at you with curiosity. "What are you talking about?"

"You didn't see it?"

"No, what was it?"

"Ah, I just forgot," you replied, brushing off the topic with a playful smile.

Dazai couldn't help but laugh, charmed by your excitement. "What a little nuthead you have here. So what do you want to do?"

"I want to try all there is to do here!" you exclaimed full of joy.

"Okay, so let's go!"

With that, he grabbed your hand and brought you toward a shooting game stand. When you were in front of the stand, Dazai asked you, "Do you want to try that?"

"Why not? Can I begin first?"

"Sure, lady first," he replied, making a little bow, making you let out a little laugh.

Unfortunately, you couldn't touch any of the moving targets, showing your poor skill at shooting. You let out a sigh, "Ah, I'm so bad at that."

"I guess it's my turn then." Dazai then grabbed the rifle, pointed it toward the targets, and after a moment, he began to shoot successively, each shot hitting its target, leaving you and the man at the stand baffled.

Dazai turned toward you a proud smile on his face. "So, what do you want (Y/N)?"


"Oh? Why is that?" Dazai inquired.

Until I saw you [Reader x Dazai x Bungou Stray DogsWhere stories live. Discover now