Hidden chapter 2 : Why you out of all people?

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After you had eaten with Dazai, you both marched back to the apartment to rest.

As you walked, Dazai beside you remembered something, "Oh, by the way (Y/N), weren't you injured back when we fought those two from the Angels?" He glanced for a second at your stomach, "Wasn't it on the stomach you were hurt? I remember examining if nothing was broken but you didn't take care of it since we came back right? Shouldn't we pay a visit to Yosano to patch you up?"

You quivered at his words, remembering Kunikida's advise about Yosano and her conditions to her healing ability that every members of the agency already experienced once to their misfortune,"Ugh, not a chance, I don't even want to experience this hell she would offer. Thanks but no thanks! I prefer staying alive like that."

Dazai chuckled at you words, "That's true that everyone try to evade her treatment. But you know, it's effective from what I witnessed. Shouldn't you give it a try?"

"No thanks." You insisted on your refusal strongly. "Moreover the pain will pass by. A little pain through a little time is better compared to a hell of pain."

Dazai smirked "What wise words you have. So you're the type that prefer long pain? I didn't know that."

You glared at him, "Oh quit teasing me!"

He shrugged with a mishevious smile, "Don't know what you're talking about." 

You were now in front of the door of the apartment and as you opened the door, Dazai took a serious tone "But I'm serious. If you don't want Yosano's treatment, which I understand, you should at least get a treatment to your wound if you want for it to heal."

"Fine fine, stop nagging me, I will treat it." You replied as you entered the apartment.

You took your coat off and your shoes and went looking around the living room for bandages. "So, where did you put those bandages? I'm sure you have ton of them."

Dazai chuckled again as he entered the living room and went into the bathroom, "I will get you that, wait just a minute here."

Some minutes later, he came back with a cream and bandages in hand.

"Do you need help with the bandages?" He inquired mischiviously as he gave you the items.

"I don't need any help, I can manage by myself." You replied as you took the items. You knew where this was going and it was out of the question that something that happens in books or series would happen to you in reality.

"Is that so?" Dazai smirked mockingly at you before marching away, "Well then, call me if you need any help. I will be taking a shower."

As you heard the shower, you went to your bedroom and sat on your bed. You then lifted your shirt and looked at your wound on your stomach and frowned at the big blue color that was on it "Ew, I was hit pretty bad. No wonder it hurt so much."

You then glanced at the bandages and cream beside you, "For the cream okay, I know how to apply it,  but how the hell does you bandages a wound on your stomach? I was never hurt in the first place there so badly before so how can I know how to do that? I'm a lambda person me not a doctor."

You sighed, "Well, let's first put the cream on it."

You opened the cream and began to apply it on the wound. You winced at the contact but managed to finish to apply it on the wound.

After the cream applied, you took the bandages and looked at them before trying to warp them around you, "mm....do we do it like that?"

After many tries, the bandages weren't still on and you sighed frustrated, "Seriously... How is that even possible to warp those things? It's a wonder how Dazai manage to bandages himself without them falling of."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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