Chapter 18 : Kidnapping

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"I may be tired, but I won't let you take me without a fight," you retorted, your voice surprisingly steady despite your exhaustion.

Chuuya chuckled, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Well, let's see how long you can keep up the act."

You glared at him, determination burning in your eyes. "Just try me."



At your response, with a wicked grin, Chuuya took a step forward, ready to unleash his formidable abilities. His coat billowed around him as he summoned his crimson aura, a telltale sign that he was about to tap into his formidable power.

Akutagawa, on the other hand, remained calm and composed. His coat, bearing the jagged edges of Rashomon, subtly shifted as he prepared to unleash his own lethal abilities. The dark energy surrounding him seemed to pulse with anticipation.

With lightning reflexes, you dodged Chuuya's kick, feeling the tremors beneath your feet as the ground cracked from the impact. Meanwhile, Shade, healed from his injuries and fueled by your determination, lunged forward to intercept Akutagawa's attacks. His sturdy body shielded you from the lethal onslaught, displaying unmatched loyalty and courage. The panther faced the Port Mafia member with fierce resolve, his golden eyes glowing with defiance.

Chuuya, impressed by your agility, couldn't help but acknowledge your skill. "Not bad," he muttered, a hint of begrudging respect in his voice. He gathered his energy once more, preparing for another assault.

Akutagawa, undeterred by Shade's defensive stance, unleashed his Rashomon, the dark tendrils snaking toward you. With swift reflexes, you commanded Shade to counter the attack, and the panther-like creature swiftly maneuvered, deflecting the dark energy with his powerful claws.

"You won't last long," Akutagawa assured, his eyes narrowing as he intensified his attacks.

However, they couldn't reach you as Shade had contered them with great force. But you couldn't have the luxury to observe them, another fierce attack came right behind you, wich you evaded in time.

"Great dodge little mouse, but you should still be wary, it's not over yet!" Chuuya retorted with excitement as he continued his attacks.

Chuuya's taunting remark about "little mouse" had touched a nerve, and you couldn't resist delivering a retort, letting your annoyance show. "Mouse? You're not much better, considering you're a whole 16 centimeters shorter than me. Yet, you act like you're on top of the world. Grow up - oh, sorry, I forgot you can't anymore." Your words stung, and rage in Chuuya's eyes showed, replacing his excitement.

"What did you say? I'll show you the true meaning of facing death!" Chuuya snarled, driven by anger.

Despite your injuries, you managed to dodge Chuuya's attacks with impressive agility, fueled by a mix of determination and annoyance at his taunts. Each strike he aimed at you was met with a swift evasion, despite the difficulty you faced due to your injuries.

Chuuya's anger only intensified as you continued your taunt. "What? What I said is true though," you retorted, a smirk playing on your lips. Your words hit a nerve, and Chuuya's bloodlust only grew stronger.

His attacks became more furious, fueled by his emotions. But paradoxically, his emotional state made him somewhat predictable. Your keen senses and quick reflexes allowed you to anticipate his moves and dodge his strikes, frustrating him even further.

"Stop making useless struggling and come with us like the good girl you are!"

You raised your eyebrow, "Where do you see this good girl? I'm just a normal girl who want to enjoy her awaiting night meal at home."

Until I saw you [Reader x Dazai x Bungou Stray DogsWhere stories live. Discover now