Hidden chapter: It's Halloween!

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Today, the ADA's members were working as usual at the agency. You checked your agenda, a part of your morning routine, and realized that Halloween was just three days away. The mere thought of it filled you with excitement. Halloween had always been your favorite holiday; it was the one day of the year where you could indulge in sweets to your heart's content.

What made this Halloween even more thrilling was that it would be the first time you'd celebrate it with your colleagues at the Armed Detective Agency. You wondered if they had ever celebrated Halloween before, and as you pondered, you hear a familiar presence approach in his rolling chair.

"Hey, (Y/N), I'm bored. Tell me, what are you pondering so much about?" Dazai questioned.

You motioned for him to lean closer, and whispered in his ear, "Do you celebrate Halloween at the agency?"

Dazai raised an eyebrow, surprised by your question, and then chuckled. "Of course, if not, Ranpo would throw a fit about wasting a lifetime opportunity."

You couldn't help but show stars in your eyes at his response, showing clearly your anticipation of the event, making him smile. "I have a feeling you want to celebrate this event very much, don't you?"

You gasped, "Of course, I want to celebrate it! Like Ranpo-san said, it's a lifetime opportunity! You can have all the free sweets if your disguise is well made and eat as many as you want."

Ranpo, who had been eavesdropping on your conversation from his desk, chimed in, "You're absolutely right, (Y/N)! Sweets take center stage on this day, and it would be a shame if this event went to waste. I completely understand your excitement."

"But will all the members participate in this?" you asked.

"Don't worry, I've already talked to the president about it, and he'll be here in a minute," Ranpo said as he unwrapped a new lollipop.

"What do you mean by that?" you inquired.

Just as he said that, exactly one minute later, Fukuzawa emerged from his office, instantly capturing everyone's attention. He announced, "Listen, everyone! In three days, it will be Halloween, and as you all know, it's a day off for you. But I have a special order for you for this day. I'll let Ranpo explain."

All eyes turned to Ranpo, who expressed his excitement with a wide grin. "For Halloween, we'll decorate the agency as we always do, but this time, you'll also have to dress up. Not just any costume, though." He leaned over and pulled a box out from under his desk. "You'll need to draw a paper from this box and dress up as whatever is written on it. Let's start drawing our disguises! Line up, everyone!"

The members formed a line in front of the box, eagerly drawing their costume ideas. Their faces ranged from surprise to amusement as they discovered their chosen personas. Dazai, who stood behind you, leaned in and whispered, "What do you think you'll get, (Y/N)?"

You replied, "I'd like to be a witch; I think it would suit me. What about you?"

Dazai grinned mischievously. "Me? What do you think I'd be?"

"I think you'd make a great vampire. It would suit your appearance and character," you replied.

Dazai teased, "Oh, I didn't know you found me that charming."

Blushing, you stammered, "N-no! It's just that I thought the character would suit you, that's all."

"Mmm, if you say so," Dazai replied.

Finally, it was your turn to draw. You selected a paper from the box, hoping for your desired costume. However, you were dumbfounded when you read what was written on it. In disbelief, you showed it to Ranpo, "Seriously?? How could you write that??"

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