Chapter 10 : The flowers path

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The two of you continued walking, the bustling city around you providing a stark contrast to the unsettling atmosphere that seemed to cling to you.

Arriving at the first crime scene in a dark alley, you desactivate the summon of Looki because dogs are not authorized, and with Dazai, you begin to examine the area for any clues. The scene was marked by an air of somberness, the police tape and investigators' presence a stark reminder of the tragedy that had occurred. As you studied the surroundings, a police officer come to you, a transparent plastic bag in hand with a flower in it. 

"Are you the detectives who were supposed to arrive?"

"Yes we are." Dazai responded in a serious tone.

"Good, so I will give you update of what we fond so far. Please follow me." He then headed toward the corpse that were lying in the middle of the scene.

As you were heading toward the corpse, he began to explain what he knew, "For now, we are looking for more clues, but we didn't find anything apart this beside the corpse of the victim." He then showed the plastic bag and gave it to Dazai, who put it in his pocket after observing at it.

"So you are against a wall and doesn't know anything else." Dazai briefted making the police officer pissed off by his reaction, but he composed himself as you approached the corpse.

As you stopped in front of it, you were struck by the sight – a man completely drenched, his face contorted in pain before death had claimed him, eyes that were wide open and opaque, and a greenish discoloration of his skin caused decomposition was evident, all of that was accompanied by an horrible odor of putrefaction.

The shock of seeing the lifeless body up close caused you to stumble, and Dazai quickly reached out to steady you. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

You took a shaky breath, trying to steady your nerves. "Yeah... I'm fine... It's just... It's my first time seeing a corpse like this, so close."

Dazai's voice was calm and reassuring as he spoke, "Look at me, (Y/N). Breathe in slowly."

Meeting his gaze, you followed his instruction, inhaling deeply.

"Good. Now exhale slowly, and just breathe. Everything is all right."

With Dazai's guidance and Jumper on your shoulder nudging at you to recomfort you, you managed to compose yourself. However, as you glanced towards the police officer, you noticed a smirk on his face, as if he was amused by your reaction. Dazai followed your gaze, his expression turning cold and his smile taking on a sinister edge. It was a silent message that didn't go unnoticed by the officer.

"I believe we have all the information we need here," Dazai remarked calmly, his words holding an underlying warning

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"I believe we have all the information we need here," Dazai remarked calmly, his words holding an underlying warning. The officer's smirk faded as he realized he was being scrutinized.

"R-right, I'll then leave you to your investigation," the officer said quickly, his tone respectful as he backed away.

As he left, Dazai's attention returned to you. "Are you ready to continue, (Y/N)?"

Until I saw you [Reader x Dazai x Bungou Stray DogsWhere stories live. Discover now