Chapter 2 : An awkward encounter

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"Dazai-san ?" he finish, by following his gaze all the way to you and then end up as surprised as Dazai.



A great silence settles in during two good minutes until Atsuchi left his surprised expression and break the silence. "Who are you ? Wait, before that, how is it possible that the unsusal air is coming from her ?? And what is this creature ??"

You began to sweat as nervous as you are, 'that wasn't planned' you thought nerviously while Dazai began to grin at you.

End of the recap.



As Atsuchi exclaimed abruptly his words, Dazai responded still grinning and looking at the frozen you that didn't know what to do with this awkward encounter. 

"This, Atsushi-kun, is as you think what it is. We have in front of us a new ability user. And that belladona over there seem to be the one who let out that unusual air we were searching for."

A chill runs through your spine. Looki, feeling your anxiousness begin to growl at Dazai and Atsuchi.

'I shouldn't get in the way of the plot. Perhaps the story is not finished yet, but in any case, I wasn't planning in the first place to participate in it...' You pause your thoughts one second.

'Ok ! I did think about it! ' You admit to yourself.

'But I don't like so much the idea to confront for real the crazy port mafia or the other organisations that are after Atsuchi and the ADA, thx but not thx! I prefer living a happy full life with my abilites in this world than to have the same pain I had before my death!'

'Wait, I could be with Dazai, but, wouldn't it be too crazy for me to join him in his adventures ?'

Your thoughts where interrupted by Dazai who began to walk toward you.

"Hello there ! I'm Dazai, Dazai Osamu. And behind me is Nakajima Atsushi, we are from the Armed Detective Agency, could you tell us your name ?" he say joyfully.

You had two options offered to you that you could only think of at this moment: One, you tell who you are and follow Dazai and Atsushi to join the Armed Detective Agency (alias ADA) and do the plot with them (if there is one) at the risk it change with your presence and your desicions, but its likely possible that is already done. Or second option, you flee away from this place and live a normal life where you can use freely your abilities without having to fight but could also observe from afar Dazai and the other characters in action in this new reality.

You then took your decision.

A wind rised slightly. As the cloud passed after covering the moon during the time you had seen Dazai and Atsuchi, the light of the moon glowed again and offered a glimpse of your face to them, who couldn't see it very well before, letting them a little surprised by it. Looking right at Dazai that was now in front of you, you begin to offer him your best smile you could with a little silence following, and let them hear your voice :

"I'm sorry but I will have to refuse."

Without wasting time, you whistle to Looki to tell him to jump in front of you on Blue and began to run at full speed at the way you turned over before, avoiding Dazai that was trying to catch you.

As you began to run, Dazai began to run after you, surprisingly, he was quite quick.

"Atsushi let's catch her! We can't let her get away or we will have some problems later if she decide to cause them !"

Until I saw you [Reader x Dazai x Bungou Stray DogsWhere stories live. Discover now