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Soobin's POV.

"What're you doing right now?" I ask.

"Thinking of you," Yeonjun winks.

"Me?" I ask, turning bright pink. I didn't expect Yeonjun to say something like that. "You're just saying that!" I protest.

"Maybe I am, what about it? Hm? Binnie," He says sweetly, bringing his face closer to Mine.

He's right in front of me. His face is so close I can feel his breath on my skin "Junnie...?" I whisper.

"Yea," Yeonjun smirked, leaning in closer. My heart starts racing. Is he trying to kiss me? No, no, there's no way. We're just friends. Plus he's always been like this, flirty with everyone.

"You're cute," Yeonjun says, making me blush.

"N-no I'm not!" I protest but my voice comes out barely a whisper. My eyes are still locked with Yeonjun's.

"What a cutie," Yeonjun says. He lifts his arm and caresses my cheek. I lean into Yeonjun's touch, my eyes slowly closing.

"Junnie, can I tell you something," I mumble. Maybe now is the right time to let him know?

Yeonjun hums, nodding his head. He moves slightly and pulls my face down to rest on his chest. He continues caressing my cheek as he waits for me to continue. "It's now or never," I thought.

"Junnie... I like you." I whispered finally, "More than a friend."

"Bin..." His eyes widen and he's left speechless. His hand stops caressing my cheek but he doesn't pull it away. I'm feeling like I'm going to explode. I can't believe I finally told him.

My face is as red as a tomato. I try to calm myself down but I can't as I start to think about him possibly rejecting me or being disgusted with me.

"S-soobin," Yeonjun stutters. He looks into my eyes for a moment then looks away not knowing how to respond.

"Do you... Do you like me back?" I ask. I'm holding my breath, "god I hope I didn't just fuck everything up..."

"We're just friends Bin..." He whispers, pulling away from me "That's all we've ever been."

I shut my eyes tightly. I jinxed it, I shouldn't have thought about that. I shouldn't have even told him in the first place. I felt my eyes get watery but I held back my tears. Yeonjun must've noticed because he starts to wrap his arms around me. I can't look at him but my lips start quivering as I try to hold back the tears.

"Binnie please don't cry," Yeonjun reassures. "I don't like seeing you hurt. You know I care about you," He says.

His words are like daggers to me. I pray for him to say it was all just one big joke and that he truly does like me back. That we can be more than friends. But I know that's not the reality of this situation. I give up on holding back my tears and start to cry in Yeonjun's embrace.

"I know- I care about you too, but... I like you Jun- as more than a friend..." I cry out, "And you don't feel the same way."

"I always love you... but just as friends," He says.

"I-" The words don't come out of my mouth as more tears start falling from my eyes. He hugs me tighter as he apologizes.

I ruined everything, I should've never told him...

"Please don't hate me," Yeonjun mumbles. "I still want to be in your life Bin... I still want you in my life," He explains.

"Nothing could make me hate you Junnie," I reply. As much as it hurts me, I'd prefer to stay friends with him than have him walk out of my life because of a crush I have on him.

"I'm glad you don't hate me," Yeonjun says smiling.

I smile and lean in slightly, touching my forehead to Yeonjun's, and closing my eyes. This is the closest I'll ever get to kissing him.

"I'm not going anywhere Junnie," I whisper.

"Neither am I," Yeonjun reciprocates.

Yeonjun intertwined his fingers with me and started to gently pull me somewhere. I let Yeonjun drag me along as I follow behind him.

"Will ice cream cheer you up?" Yeonjun asks.

"As long as it's not Mint Chocolate," I say, making a disgusted face.

Yeonjun chuckles, "No it's not calm down."

"Thank god, that shit is disgusting." I grimace, just thinking of it makes me want to vomit.

"Oh shush!" Yeonjun says. "Mint chocolate tastes amazing, you're just weird." Jun rolls his eyes.

"No, it doesn't!" I say, my tone filled with stubbornness. "It's just frozen toothpaste," I exclaim as it's been my go-to insult for Mint Chocolate ever since I first tasted it.*

Yeonjun boops my nose. "You're cute when you argue!" He laughs.

Yeonjun pulls out some vanilla ice cream with chocolate moose and places it on the kitchen counter.

"I'm not cute when I argue." I protest lightly. I can't help but smile at it. I don't even want to bother arguing anymore.

"Oh shush," Yeonjun asserts. He starts putting the ice cream in two bowls. After he's done he puts the remaining in the freezer. Then he places the bowls on the dining table, one for him, one for me.

I grab a spoon from the drawer and start digging into my bowl. The ice cream is cool on my tongue as it melts in my mouth. I take a bite of the chocolate and vanilla ice cream. This is a nice way to forget my worries, even if it still hurts.

"So gwiyeowo," Yeonjun coos, as he watches me eat.

He couldn't help but blush from his comment. "Is this a new flirt tactic of yours Junnie? Calling me cute?" I smirk as I push some hair out of my eyes.

Yeonjun chuckles. "Why is it working?" He raises an eyebrow. "Maybe I should start calling everyone I flirt with cute."

Yeonjun flirts with everyone and everyone knows it. He's just a big flirt, but it still hurts that he doesn't mean it. I mean he's always done this with me, even before I confessed. You'd think I'm used to it... but I'm not.

The two of us continue eating as we make some casual conversation with one another. My thoughts still manage to go back to my confession. And I wish I never told him, but at least it didn't ruin our friendship... right?

A/N: This part was originally a little longer and a bit sadder but I cut it short and brightened up the mood with ice cream :)


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