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Soobin's POV.

So far my day has been pretty boring. As of now though lunch had begun. I headed over to sit where I would normally sit. The past few weeks though Yeonjun hadn't been sitting much with everyone else. I hoped that he would today

"Hey Bin..." Yunho said awkwardly walking over to sit down as well.

"Hey Soobin!" Wooyoung waved; he and San, his boyfriend, were already sitting at the table together. "How've you been?" He asked me

"I've been good you?" I asked back.

"I'm good," Wooyoung smiled.

Just then I noticed someone else who Yunho had gone to sit next to him. I didn't recognize him though. "Hey guys," Yeonjun spoke from behind me. He walked over and sat down next to me.

"Oh um... I forgot to introduce you guys but um... This is Yeosang," Yunho pointed to the guy sitting next to him. "As you all know he's my ex," Yunho chuckles.

Yeosang looked embarrassed. "Ooo, he's hot," Wooyoung smirked. San gasped and frowned crossing his arms. "I didn't mean it! It was a joke," Wooyoung frowned throwing himself onto San in a clingy manner.

"Nice to meet you," I gave a friendly smile. Though I knew about him I'd never met him before.

"So like... Are you guys getting back together?" San asked.

"No! We're not, we broke up for a reason San..." Yunho explained. "Plus he has a boyfriend," Yunho rolled his eyes.

"We broke up..." Yeosang whispered.

"Oh..." Yunho went quiet, "Wait why!? I thought things were going well with you and Jongho." Yunho asked.

"It got awkward every time we tried being intimate," Yeosang explained.

"How so?" Yunho questioned.

"Ah, it's embarrassing," he mumbled. Yeosang leaned over to Yunho and whispered into his ear.

"Ohhh.. I'm sorry Yeo," Yunho frowned rubbing his hand up and down Yeosang's arm in a reassuring manner.

"Aw, that's cute," Wooyoung commented.

"Are you trying to make me feel jealous!?" San pouted.

"No baby," Wooyoung frowned. "I'm sorry..." Woo apologized.

Yeonjun laughed, "I guess it's kinda of cute."

"No! It's not, stop it..." Yeosang said covering his blushing face in embarrassment.

Yunho laughed, "You've always been cute Yeo," Yunho mumbled.

Yeonjun raised his eyebrows at Yunho's comment. "I thought he was your ex Yunho," Yeonjun chuckled.

"Well yeah! I've dated him so of course, I think he's cute," Yunho scoffed. "Why are you all ganging up on me!" He pouted. Yeosang giggled at Yunho's reaction only covering his mouth now.

"Jun," I whispered.

Yeonjun turned to look at me, "Mhm?"

"Never mind.." I mumbled.

"Is it about yesterday?" I nodded, "I see... soon I promise," He grabbed my hand from under the table, "I'm sorry for making you wait..."

"It's okay... I can wait," I claimed

"Say, how long..." He stopped. Our friends were busy talking with one another but even so, Yeonjun leaned close and whispered into my ear. "Have you been crushing on me?" Yeonjun asks.

"Uh..... around a year I guess?" I shrugged, "Why do you ask?"

"A year... You never—And I just-"

"It's okay... It was my choice not to tell you, though you did reject me two months ago," I mumbled.

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