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Soobin's POV.

And just like that, Yeonjun and I were not longer friends. It was the next day; I was at home crying into my pillow. After some time I heard a knock on my door.

I sit up and look at the door. I wonder who it is. I take a deep breath and walk up to the door, I open it, trying not to expect anything.

"Hyung... are you ok?" It was Huening Kai, my younger brother.

"I- hey, Kai... I'm... uh-" I didn't know what to say.

How could I explain to Kai what happened? I didn't even know how to explain it to myself.

"I'm fine..." I replied with a forced smile.

I didn't want Kai to worry about me, and even if I told him the truth, i wouldn't matter. There's nothing I can do aboutbit anymore.

"Are you sure Hyung? I heard you crying," He frowned. "I don't like it when you're upset it makes me upset."

I don't want Kai to feel responsible for me, I just want him to be happy and not worry about things. Maybe I should just make something up to answer Kai's question. He's a kid, he's innocent, I don't want to ruin his world.

" I Just had a bad dream, Kai. It's nothing to worry about." I said in a reassuring tone. I didn't want to lie and hurt Kai, but the truth would only wlrry him more.

"But why would you cry about a bad dream?" His frown grew. "Hyung, you don't have to lie. I'm here for you just like how you're always here for me."

Kai has such a good heart, I can't keep this from him. He's already noticed I'm sad, what's the point in lying. I suppose it won't hurt too much if I tell him the truth.

"Something happened between me and Yeonjun," I mumble.

"Your crush??" Kai asks tilting his head. "Sorry I mean best friend," He smiles fakily.

Huening Kai already knew about my crush on Yeonjun but he also knew we've never fought before. He looked confused.

"Yeah... me and Yeonjun had a fight," I admitted.

"It's a long story, I'll explain later, but we're not friends anymore." I said softly, Kai didn't need to hear all those details anyway. "But, Kai, you can't tell anyone ok?" I looked down as I spoke.

I could tell he only grew more confused. Yeonjun and I were very close. Keyword were close. It looked like he wanted to ask me a couple more things. But he didn't.

Thankfully so; It's kinda embarrassing to explain that you're so called best friend stopped talking with you because of his psycho boyfriend who lied and accused you of assault.

"I'm tired Kai, could I take a nap? Maybe... we could sleep in your room together. For tonight?" I asked. Like how we used to, I missed those times. Now my life took a turn I never say coming before.

Huening Kai's room had plenty of space and it was very cozy and warm. We could talk and cuddle to sleep together.

"Yeah that's ok," Kai smiled.

I knew Kai enjoyed sleeping together with me. We always had a lot of fun together we'd together while they looking up at the glow in the dark stars Huenung Kai had taped to the ceiling; with Soobin's help of course.

We always had a stong bond me and Huening Kai; most brother tend to bicker a lot with each other. And it's not that Kai and I don't. But it definitely doesn't happen often. If anything I'd prefer to spend my days at home with my brother rather than doing anything else.

Our relationship was wholesome, Kai admired and looked up to me a lot. It made me happy that I was a role model for someone; and I'm glad that someone is Kai.

"Thank you Kai." I say with a small smile.

Kai and I's bond is like one of destiny, I felt like I was meant to help Kai grow and protect him. I'm thankful that I grew up with a younger brother instead of being an only child and having no one.

I walk with Kai into his room. And at first we just sit on his bed and chat a little. I ask about his day like how I always do, I enjoyed listening to him speak. His voice was adorable and I loved how he would always feel comfortable enough to tell me everything and every single detail. He always had the most interesting days.

He talk about what he would do with his friends when he'd go out, or he'd tell me how school went. How his grades. Sometimes he'd ask for help with homework, or if we could hangout the next day or sometime in the week. Sometimes I'd hang with his friends; they were all just as sweet and some of them even look up to me just like Kai does.

We laid in bed together, after we got a more tired. Kai was snuggled up against me as he told me a story it was a book he said his friend Taehyun introduced him too. He summarized it for me and explained why he enjoyed it.

Eventually, Kai feel asleep in my arms making me just as equally sleepy.

He always looks so peaceful in his sleep. It makes you wonder how god could leave such a angel in this cruel world. He deserved the world and I'd do anything for him just to see him happy.

I slowly close my eyes and relax. Cuddling a little but closer to Kai; I felt a wave of peace wash over me as I drifted asleep. Maybe my day wasn't so good but at least it ended off on a good note.

Maybe it was ok to take a break from Yeonjun, maybe... I'm not meant for him. There will be others to come, whether I met them tomorrow or in a couple years.

Although it still hurt that my best friend could throw away our friendship so easily just from one misunderstanding. He could've at least let me explain...

A/N: Wholesome chapter •3•
Hope you're having a good day!

I know I said I would upload daily but I was so stressed these past couple of days. Thankfully it's all died down so I should be able to post regularly again :D


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