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Soobin's POV.

"I love you..."

Yeonjun's eyes widened and he looked away. He was silent... Too silent... "I... l- love you too," He lets out clenching his fists. He rested his head on my shoulder. He was tense, I could sense it. I slowly reached out for his hand and opened his fist to interlock our fingers.

"Hyung..." I whisper. I know I have to be patient but... "Hyung, can I kiss you?"

Yeonjun looked up into my eyes. He smiled sadly and nodded lightly. He said yes... He really said yes!?!? I moved my face down, closer to his; our noses were centimeters apart, his soft plump pink lips, so close I could almost taste them. I closed my eyes and leaned in slowly. His lips pressed against mine and our lips melted together. It was gentle and passionate. Yeonjun held onto me like his life almost depended on it, I could feel my cheeks heat up and burn with desire. His hand traveled up to play with my hair; his other one wrapped around my waist. My hands... were wrapped around his neck. I wished we could be like this forever.

But unfortunately, we broke apart. I want to kiss him again. Deeper this time. Longer. Harder... I wanted more of him. Every inch of him... I stared into his eyes, it felt like time had stopped. It's just me and him. That's all that matters. It's like the rest of the world has disappeared.

"It feels like it's just you and me in this world," Yeonjun said smiling.

It's like he read my mind... The silence between us was nice, it felt almost like this had been going on forever. I don't want this to ever end. I feel lost in his eyes. Can I kiss him again? I want to. It feels almost like I'm dreaming. Is this even real life?

Yeonjun laughed, the mood was slowly getting lighter and he seemed to notice my constant gaze at his lips. "You don't have to ask, Binnie," Yeonjun explained. "Just kiss me whenever you want."

"But I should get your consent before doing anything Hyung," I mumbled.

He chuckled again with a light smile; then he started crying again... I was startled to say the least but immediately wrappped my arms around him and pulled him close.

"Shhh, it's okay Hyung. Don't cry."

"Everytime you s- speak," He hiccups. "You're so perfect Soobin, I don't deserve you. Look how nice you are to me. And what did I do, I pushed you away and believed that manipulative bitch over you." Yeonjun cried.

"Yeonjun, it's okay. It's not your fault... I'll never blame you for it. I promise." Yeonjun was beating himself up about what happened with Beomgyu?

"But why! I know it's my fault so why keep denying it." Yeonjun yelled. "You're lying to yourself Soobin and you know it. It's my fault and I ruined everything between us, our trust and our bond." He exclaimed. "It's my fault and I should be blamed for it, stop hiding it Soobin. If I was you I'd yell at myself and let out my anger. So you should do that too... I can handle it, you can yell at me Bin. You can cry about it too and tell me what hurt you, I heard... communication helps grow a better bond anyway..."

"I- Fine... if you really want me to yell at you then I will," I finally gave in. I guess he was right.... But I didn't want to yell at Jun.. But I probably should... shouldn't I?

"I'm still upset. It hurts... A lot. I mean how could you!? What type of friend does that Not to mention you decided to introduce me to him in that way!?" I felt tears begin to form near my eyes. "You know I liked you... loved you even. But you invited me over just to put it in my face that you were dating someone else..." Soobin said. "It hurt, it hurt so fucking much! You even ignored me while I cried. You worried about that fucker more even though it was clearly obvious that the vase was broken inches away from him!?" Soobin added. "I don't know if I can fully forgive you. I want to... I really do. But it hurt Yeon... It hurt so much. I was so depressed over it Jun... I coudn't get your stupid face and voice out of my mind for weeks, and just when I thought I could move on you decided to fuck up my life and introduce yourself back ito it!" I was sobbing now so much that my vision was blurry and my voice began to crack. "But... I still love you. And it makes everything hurt even more..."

A/N: It feels weird to be posting again lmao
The next chapter SHOULD also be soon. I feel terrible for the delay I gave this story T^T


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