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Soobin's POV.

I'm still crying into my palm and that's when I hear the door open.

Should I tell hi-

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard something slam on the floor. Beomgyu had thrown one of Yeonjun's vases and proceeded to fall to the floor. Then, he started crying... what the fuck is happening??

"Oh shit!" Yeonjun cursed. "Gyu!"

Yeonjun hurried over to Beomgyu's side. He was confused but then noticed the vase with flowers that laid on the floor; broken. And this whole time he hadn't looked at me, not once. He ignored me, yet I was still crying pathetically.

"Oh my god, what happened why are you crying," Yeonjun comforts Beomgyu. "Are you hurt?"

He paid no mind to me, no second thought, not wondering if I was ok. Not wondering who threw the vase or knocked it over. Or if I was crying too, if maybe I wasn't ok.

I forgot I was crying for a second, but I felt tears fall down to my hand. I was still covering my mouth, I wanted to say something and tell him what happened. But I didn't know what was happening why was Beomgyu crying why'd he break the vase?

A wave of sadness takes over as I see Yeonjun caress Beomgyu's hair and pepper him with kisses. It's unfair, why couldn't he love me... I should be the one being comforted. Am I just being selfish, or is Beomgyu-

"Jun, h-he." Beomgyu choked out. "He tried to throw the vase at me," Beomgyu cried.

And that's when I understood... I was set up, he was threatening me earlier and I didn't get the hint. My thoughts about him being insecure and worried Yeonjun would choose me over him went out the window. Because just then I realized he wanted to split us. He wanted to frame me and convince Yeonjun I wasn't the person he thought I was. And even though I know his plans why do I feel like it's my fault? Why am I sad and not angry? Why can't I say anything?

Yeonjun's eyes widened. "What the hell, Soobin!" Yeonjun yelled. "What's wrong with you!? Why would you do that to Beomgyu!? He didn't do anything to you!"

"I..I.." I started trembling as I look at Yeonjun. Beomgyu's lie was so quick and I couldn't get any words out to defend myself.

"He's jealous," Beomgyu cried. I was impressed with his acting, I wouldn't be able to cry on the spot like that. Let alone sob.

"I- no- it's not what you th-think it... it's not what you think!" My voice cracks as I try to talk. "I'm not jealous! Jun you have to believe me, I- it's not- Jun please," More tears start to stream from my eyes as I look at Yeonjun.

"Jealous..." Yeonjun questions. "Is that what the fuck this is all about??" He screams. "Are you fucking serious Soobin!!"

In the heat of the moment while Yeonjun was yelling at me. I saw something, something that confirmed my thoughts. Beomgyu smirks sticking his tongue out quickly before going back to his fake crying. What a lying, deceiving, manipulative, cunt.

He's doing this all on purpose. And I am almost certain it's not only because of his jealousy issues because he definitely also has clear manipulative issues. This whole act he was putting on was impressive. But immature and delusional. I'm about to lose my best friend... because there's nothing I can do about it right now.

Beomgyu's little smirk made me feel angry and embarrassed. I would've walked over and held him by the collar screaming at him and exposing him for being a liar.

But Yeonjun's screams brought me back to reality, "Get the fuck out of my house Soobin!" Yeonjun yells. "I don't wanna see your face near me or Beomgyu ever again."

"Yeonjun... you don't understand, he's lying..." I try to explain.

But Yeonjun's tone immediately changed "I don't wanna hear your excuses," he says harshly.

I didn't want to make things worse but I also couldn't just stand there and do nothing. I took a step forward, "Yeonjun please let me exp-"

Yeonjun cuts me off, he yells angrily. "OUT!"

"NO! Jun! Are you seriously gonna let a lie like this break out friendship!? I've known you for five years. You've barely known him and you believe his stupid lie over me!?!?" I yelled back.

"Are you accusing me of lying to my boyfriend," Beomgyu frowns giving his saddest and hurt look.

"Yes... I am, you're a fucking lia-"

"Soobin get the fuck out of my house or I swear to god I'll call the cops!" Yeonjun interrupted.

I bit my lip trying to hold back my tears. Fuck this shit, fuck Yeonjun and his stupid new boyfriend!

I sighed and turned around heading to the door. I unlocked it, stepped outside, and slammed it shut. I fell to my knees and cried. I cried right outside his front door.

Gosh, I'm so pathetic! Why wouldn't he believe me!? How could he throw our friendship away just like that?

I pulled out my phone and texted my dad while still crying to myself.

Me: Can you pick me up? I'm at Yeonjun's House.

Mr. Choi: Of course, is everything ok?
Normally he brings you home

Me: He has to go somewhere, so he can't take me

Mr. Choi: Alr son, I'll be there soon

I closer my phone and stayed in the same spot crying. But I didn't want my dad to see me crying...

So I stood up and slapped myself, Stop being pathetic Soobin, boys don't cry...

A/N: crying crying crying.
I'm so sorry, I know angst sucks! Been there, but whenever I write I LOVE writing angst. It's just so fun and you get to experience a new way of expressing and explaining things.

I absolutely hate reading angst 🥲


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