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Soobin's POV.

"But... I still love you. And it makes everything hurt even more.."

Yeonjun was silent. But he listened.... To every word I said. "You're right, and I'll apologize a million times Soobin, even if you don't forgive me. I'll stay with you this time, I promise. This time I won't leave, even if you don't forgive me." Yeonjun says.

"Yeon..." I spoke but then I stopped, just for a moment. "Yeonjun, I can't stay mad at you... I can't be mad because I love you too much." I turned away feeling my heart ache in my chest. "If you promise you'll never leave me... I'll promise it too."

"I promise. Let's forget all of it Bin.. I want to forget all of it. I just want me and you to go back to how w used to be." Yeonjun says.

"How we used to be..?" I repeated. Just friends......? Of course, what did I expect. This whole conversation just feels fake now. Everything feels fake. I feel numb. Like I can't feel my body like my emotions have stopped.

"But this time... I want to be more," Yeonjun explained. "I want to be seen as much more to you. I want to see you as more. More than a mere friends..."

I.. didn't expect that. "Yeon I-" He interrupted me

"But I'm not ready... I just broke off my relationship with Beomgyu. I'm not ready to start another relationship yet," Yeonjun said.

"Of course, of course I understand." I say trying to hide my disappointment. "I'm okay with waiting."

"Thank you Bin," Yeonjun said. He pecked my cheek and then hugged me.

This is fine, I can wait. I don't need a relationship right now, we should build up our friendship bond again. Yeonjun is my best friend after all. That's enough for me. Even if I'm still slightly disappointed. Yeonjun's happiness is most important right now, our friendship is important.

"Of course, you're my best friend." This is the right choice.

"No, we can't just call each other friends anymore. Friends, don't kiss Binnie," Yeonjun says.

And then that reminded me of Yunho. Friends don't kiss.... and they DEFINITELY don't use sex toys on each other nor offer their mouths to suck off the other person... How am I going to tell Yeonjun about Yunho. Damn it! I regrets it so much! And what about Yunho? What will I tell Yunho... that I've suddenly changed my mind and played with his feelings?

"Yeonjun, I need to tell you something..... It's about Yunho," I mumbled

"Yunho?" Yeonjun questions. "Oh, yeah... You were on a date with him.."

"Something happened," I claimed.

"What do you mean?" Yeonjun asked, he was beyond confused now.

Do I just bite the bullet and say it? No, I gotta start slow...? "Yeonjun, Yunho and I... got a bit intimate," I started. "We kissed and um... touched one another.. And we-"

Yeonjun interrupted me, "You had sex!?"

"N- No! No! no we didn't" I shook my head.

"Okay... so what did you do..?" Yeonjun asked hesitantly.

"Um well he used a few toys... on me. And I um- I... sucked him off," My face turned bright red and I covered my mouth with my sleeve.

"Oh..... I- I'm not mad.. I don't have the right to get mad, I was dating Beomgyu and-" Yeonjun stopped. "Well it's your body and we're not together so I can't get mad about it," He was still jealous though it was obvious he was.

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