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Soobin's POV.

Time skip to a month later

I still haven't gotten over Yeonjun. Of course didn't tell him but my feeling grew stronger than before.

Yeonjun invited me over to his house today. He claimed he wanted to tell me something.

I immediately agreed to meet with Yeonjun. I was curious to find out what Yeonjun Hyung wanted to tell me. It's been a whole month of me seeing Yeonjun only as a friend. No more flirting, nothing.

I enter Yeonjun's house, as he closed the door behind me. He walked me over to the couch and I sat down.

"So what'd you want to tell me Jun?" I ask.

"I want you to meet someone," Yeonjun smiles brightly.

Yeonjun's smile immediately makes me suspicious. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as I get a bad feeling. I don't want to meet anybody.

"Who exactly?" I asked, a little more hesitantly than I had intended.

"Come here Gyu," Yeonjun calls out.

The door to Yeonjun's room opens as someone who looks an inch shorter than Yeonjun walks out. He has brown long hair with a blonde streak, he's wearing a knitted white cardigan and navy blue ripped jeans.

This was the first time I was seeing the guy so I didn't know who he was "Soobin, this is Beomgyu. Beomgyu, this is Soobin." Yeonjun introduces.

"Hello." I say a little hesitantly.

I glance at Beomgyu but my eyes quickly dart back to Yeonjun. I can tell by the look in Yeonjun's eyes that tere was something more he hasn't said yet. My heart rate starts to increase as I realize what's happening.

"And another thing..." Yeonjun smiles. He looks very happy. I've never seen him this happy before. "He's my boyfriend..." Yeonjun confesses.

Beomgyu blushes and slightly hides behind Yeonjun. Beomgyu wraps his arms around Yeonjun's waist and whispers something in his ear.

I'm shocked by Yeonjun's words, but not too surprised. My suspicions were correct, they were dating.

A part of me was glad that Yeonjun finally found love but other part of me was heartbroken. I can't help but feel jealous, a little angry even. They look so perfect together.

"Congratulations to both of you." I say. I can hear a bit of bitterness in my tone as I congratulate them.

"Thanks Bin," He smiles. "We've been going out on dates recently and only made it official yesterday," Yeonjun explains. "You're the first person I've told," He says.

Some may say Yeonjun's an asshole for telling me when he knows I like him. And others may say Yeonjun was being a good friend by telling me first.

"Oh."  This feels like another twist of the blade to my heart.

"It's so cute how you told him first Junnie baby," Beomgyu says.

He leans to give Yeonjun a peck on the lips before laying his head on Yeonjun's shoulders.

I got a little jealous looking at Beomgyu as he kisses Yeonjun's lips. I don't know what to say. I'm shocked and can't bring myself to speak.

Beomgyu's little remark stings me a little too. I turn my head not being able to look at them give each other googly eyes.

Suddenly a phone starts ringing. "Oh, sorry babe give me a second ok." Yeonjun pecks Beomgyu's forehead. "You two should get to know each other better," Yeonjun smiles.

Then he leaves and enters his room. Now Beomgyu and I are left alone in the living room.

It's awkwardly. I don't know what to say, I don't even know how to talk to Beomgyu. There was only one question in my head.

"So, how did you and Yeonjun meet?" I ask. Iwanted to know how they fell in love, what he had that I didn't I suppose.

"None of your business," Beomgyu rolls his eyes.

I was surprised by Beomgyu's response. Well that was rude.

I didn't want to upset Beomgyu or anything. Maybe it was wrong for me to ask, it wasn't my place after all.

He looked pissed just at the fact that we were in the same room. I wanted to see what Yeonjun's boyfriend was like. But he was clearly bad at first impressions. I didn't want t judge him, I haven't known him long enough. But I had a feeling I wasn't going to like him.

"He told me..." Beomgyu states

"Told you what?" I raise my eyebrow.

Beomgyu's cold response earlier stung a little, but I pushed those feelings aside. He probably just doesn't want to mention anything personal.

"He said you liked him. And by the look on your face earlier you clearly still do," Beomgyu scoffed.

"I don't care what little hope you have about him wanting you. But you shouldn't let your imaginations fool you." He rolled his eyes again, "please, why the hell would he date someone like you," Beomgyu laughs.

"So back the fuck off, cause he's mine," Beomgyu says angrily.

I feel my heart shatter the moment I hear Beomgyu's words. The truth hit me hard, I still have a crush on Yeonjun but I don't have chance with him. He's already rejected me, and now he's in a relationship with someone he didn't reject.

"That's what I thought," Beomgyu rolled his eyes. "Go ahead and cry," He pushed.

Was this really the guy Hyung fell for? How could he be so rude!? What the hell did I do to him? Even if I do still like Yeonjun he doesn't have to be rude they're already dating. Meanwhile, Jun is only my friend...

"Crybaby," Beomgyu whispered.

I bit my lip trying to hold back my tears. But I can't help it; so I give up and let the tears flow down my face. Beomgyu's facing away from me not giving a fuck.

I silently cry into the palm of my hands. I wish I never agreed to come.

Beomgyu was right I had never had a chance, but it hurt to hurt. It hurt to know that I lost to someone like him, someone who could be so inconsiderate as to make their "boyfriend's" best friend cry.

It hurt... and I don't think it'll ever stop hurting.

A/N: I cried... (mostly because Beomgyu is the bad guy here but I still cried):


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